Honduras Women’s Mission Team: Days 1-3

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The Honduras Women’s Team has been teaching and praying with dozens of ladies in several villages in the Agalta Valley for the past three days. We have shared the hope of Jesus and the truth that we are daughters of our Heavenly Father, in whom we can place our trust and identity.  Eight village women […]

YFC Camp: Where Everything Changes!

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Some of you may remember Angel, who asked for a YFCamp trip for Christmas! Well, she’s no longer alone – we have five students who want to go to YFCamp, “where everything changes.” This will be our first year taking kids to camp, starting next week on July 27. We have already fundraised with students […]

Sun, Sand, and Spiritual Convos!

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I had the awesome privilege of spending six weeks in Ocean City, New Jersey for a Cru summer mission where 80 students and 35 staff joined to deepen our walks with Jesus and share the good news of the gospel to the surrounding area! Below are just some highlights from all that God did in […]

Nicaragua: A new home for a hard working friend!

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Don Horadio has been working at Ruby Ranch as part of the full time staff that maintains the Ranch year round for over seven years now…pretty much since the beginning of the ranch.  His house had gone into disrepair and was starting to fall down….because God is huge, just last month he and his wife […]

July Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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“A Blast from the Past” – (From a previous Cru Staff Conference in Colorado several years ago) Leaving Moby Gym after the morning session, we began weaving our way through the throng of fellow Cru staff members.  Our friend and former Cru teammate Michele leaned close and whispered, “Betty, see that girl over there in […]

Camp, Cancer and Church

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Carlos came to YFCamp last year because his friend invited him.  That was the main reason. He definitely did not come to camp because he cared about God – in fact, he was pretty closed off to God in general. At YFCamp, Carlos met Daniel, one of our Campus Life Site Directors.  Daniel and Carlos […]

Brazil- “Generational Curses”


We have been very busy this week hosting a team of fifteen people who came to work alongside of us in the favelas AND help with some pretty major roof reconstruction on our home. It has been a VERY blessed week and I’d like to share with you Day #1, from a team members perspective:

Perfect Excuse to Get Out of the House!

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At our City Life KIX site, 16 year-old Cham’s nickname is “the Mayor of Homestead” because everywhere he goes people know him and want to say hi. He is tender with the children he serves at KIX Club, making jokes, playing basketball, and living as an example of a godly young man from their neighborhood. […]

Nicaragua: Farrington Family Spring Newsletter

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We would like to share with you our most recent newsletter.  We are so thankful for Christ Journey Church’s support and continued prayers for our family as missionaries and the ministries we operate. God Bless from Nicaragua!  – Chris & Krista Farrington

CRU Destino @ UCF: year one done!

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Freshman Year: Although I am not a student, I suppose you can say I just finished my freshman year at the University of Central Florida. Like many students who finish their first year in this new environment, it brings me to a time of reflection. I lived in a new city, had roommates for the first […]

East Asia: we’re having a baby!

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Hello Christ Journey Family! It has been a whirlwind of a semester and some time since I last wrote you. In this time as usual we have blessings and prayer requests to share. I should go ahead and share the big news, that Maggie and I are going to have a baby! We are so […]

May newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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“Sir, I have never believed in God before.  Is it okay to ask for His help now?  Will He hear me?”  A young Marine recruit posed this question to Cru staff member Dave Eatman one Sunday morning at Parris Island, SC (Marine Corps Recruit Depot).  The young man had not grown up in a Christian […]

InterVarsity: Empowered for Life

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God is REAL, Jesus is REAL, Holy Spirit is REAL This is the conclusion we all came to at our April retreat, Empowered. The five students pictured above all came in knowing and believing in God, but at Empowered they were given opportunity after opportunity to experience him in ways many of them never had – and it was AWESOME! When we practiced listening […]

Greetings from Brazil!

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Greetings from Brazil! In our day-to-day routine it’s easy to get caught up in the “busyness” of it all. So many overwhelming needs, prayer matters, physical work, projects, family time, etc that we need to keep our focus on Him. The verse Psalm 46:10 came to mind…..

Juvenile Justice Ministries: John’s Story


I am grateful for every volunteer who gives even an hour of their time to YFC.  In addition to saving us $156,633 a year, they also make a life-time of difference in a child’s life. Nowhere is that more true than in our Juvenile Justice Ministry.  The men and women who go into detention programs and […]

April Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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When our girls were moving through those “tween” years toward adolescence, we kept our eyes and ears open, eager to learn from other Christian families how to help prepare Ruth Ann and Angela to stay on course with the Lord for the long haul.  A seasoned Campus Crusade for Christ staff couple offered the following […]

From Bondage to Alcohol, to Freedom Through Living Water

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The Filter is the Excuse. Jesus is the Reason.  “Are you the one who has the problem with alcohol in the family?” Luke looked back at me with wide eyes, surprised at the brashness of my question, but I assured him it needed to be asked. Luke asked my question again, this time directed toward […]

Guatemala Middle School 2019: Day 6

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Today was a great day for the group as whole as it was the first time the construction team was able to join the core group and serve together at the Malnutrition Center. In the morning a small group went over the near by senior center to spend some time bringing joy and the good […]

Dominican Republic Students 2019: Day 6

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Hey ya’ll, it’s Ari and Xochitl and today was the last day with the children of El Carrizal. Waking up this morning was pleasant. We have been the only girls to go up to the rooftop every morning of this post trip, and as usual did it this morning as well. Looking at the sun […]

Ecuador Men’s Team: Day 5

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Our days have been FULL of activities from morning to night. We have been treated like Kings! There has been such spirit of welcoming us into the community and serving us sooo many things! We have now been to two incredible restaurants and been served so much good food, cooked and served by Margarita. She […]

Miami YFC Update: “Don’t Get Your Hopes Up”

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We met Kara last February when South Miami’s club launched, but she’d already been on a YFC Core prayer list* since October. Her best friend Jenny has been praying for her since 2014 and was excited when Kara started attending club weekly! When I let Jenny know that I wanted to sponsor Kara to go […]

Colombia Students 2019: Day 5

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Today was the most powerful day of the mission trip for the majority of the students. We started off with a morning of worship in the bus on the way to the school. All of the students sang in harmony while catching a glimpse of the beautiful mountains. When we arrived at the school many […]

Ecuador Men’s Team 2019: Day 4

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Today was filled with trials and triumphs! Our team continued the work of welding window frames for the new school of Amor y Esperanza. We are teaching and learning alongside a group of talented men from the community.  

Seniors take Guatemala: Day 5

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Greetings from Guate, Bienvenidos a nuestro blog. Prepárate, it’s been quite the day. Somos Katia y Kaylee (aka the post blog dream team). Please check out our posts from the previous three years if you don’t believe us. Now on to today… It was a typical start to the morning: a firm bang on our […]

Guatemala Middle School 2019: Day 5

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Hey y’all! Pastor Andrew here! I’ve been at the malnutrition center, Colonia Infantil, for most of the week. I’ve had the opportunity to bounce around in the 2-6 year old classes. I’ve been so happy with the hearts of our students and adults. They have both displayed such servant hearts on this trip. One of […]

Dominican Republic Students 2019: Day 5

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This morning the boys finally got an early start at 5:30 and joined Jimmy, one of our One More Child leaders, in an early morning workout. 150 push-ups later, we enjoyed another delightful breakfast prepared by Ivelisse, our wonderful housekeeper from One More Child. The breakfast today included fried queso blanco, eggs, sausage, and fruit. […]

Colombia Students 2019: Day 4

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Today was a very important time in my life. We started off in the school to teach them about the gospel in different ways for the first time. In my life I never experienced this with children. I was able to interact with all children and enjoy time with them. I genuinely felt incredible knowing […]

Guatemala Middle School 2019: Day 4

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The Guatemala Middle School team members spent their day either caring for children in the malnutrition center or helping to construct a latrine and shower for a local family. We are thankful to One More Child for the opportunity to join them in their mission to help meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of […]

Guatemala Seniors 2019: Day 4

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Hola a todos! Amanda and Bailey here, coming to you live from San Antonio Huista, Guatemala! The day started with a delicious breakfast and then by the good grace of God we managed to stay on schedule. By 8:30, we were in our cars and trekking up the mountain to the community of El Pajal. […]

Dominican Republic Students 2019: Day 4

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Welcome to Day 4! At 6:30 A.M., we had eggs, bacon, potatoes covered in cheese, and tropical fruits for breakfast. Around 7:30, we departed for the site to get the day started. In the morning we fed the younger kids to make sure they’re well-nourished. Following that, some of us continued the home visits while […]

Ecuador Men’s Team 2019: Day 3

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Today being the 3rd day some of us are feeling the effects of altitude and a few differences including missing our families but the work as proof of love of our living Christ pours from us on unknown friends and family is very important it’s way more than just words !! At arrival on site […]

Colombia Students 2019: Day 3

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Good Morning, Yesterday (day 3) we visited the wonderful mountain of Mozarate and the view was magnificent! We went inside the sanctuary and hundreds of people stood and were glorifying the Lord. We then went up the mountain where all the students used their pesos to purchase all kinds of souvenirs and clothing. After leaving […]

Ecuador Men’s Team 2019: Day 2

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We are on our way back to the hotel and day two has been an amazing experience. We came to Ecuador to serve at Amor y Esperanza to help this organization advance the opening of their school. Many of us thought we were coming to fill others with hope and joy through our actions but not […]

Guatemala Seniors: Day 3

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Greetings America del Norte, Our first day in El Pajal was nothing less than eventful. A day that began with an awe-inspiring (albeit slightly nauseating) trek upwards through the mountainous terrain of Guatemala consisted of unforgettable conversations and interactions with loving locals. Waking at the crack of dawn, to the sound of David Camacho’s beautiful […]

Guatemala Middle School 2019: Day 3

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Today was really good with the senior citizens. We played with them and they were super involved and loved the games we played with them. They were amazingly grateful for us going there and reminded us not to forget them. They hadn’t had a mission team in a really long time so, they really enjoyed […]

Dominican Republic Students 2019: Day 3

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Day 3 RECAP! This morning, a delicious traditional Dominican breakfast was served at 6:30 AM, just a little difficult for us high-schoolers. Following breakfast, we had our devotionals that was by led by freshman boy, Caleb Harris. We spoke about what we’re grateful for, any fears or anxieties we felt that morning, how we can […]

Ecuador Men’s Team 2019: Day 1

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We started the day with a visit to the site where our work will begin, we also had a chance to visit the Equator where my mind was blown away with the power of God through His creation of our earth. After we shared an amazing Ecuadorian home-cooked meal, we had our Devotional time with […]

Nicaragua: New faces at Casa Robles

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We want to introduce you to Samael and Elery.  As this year started we had a visitor come to the gate asking to speak with Don Michael (Krista’s dad).  It was a mother asking for help.  She was desperate and was not able to care for her two sons anymore.  The situation in Nicaragua has […]

Colombia Students 2019: Day 2

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Today we went to a small church and led worship in English and Spanish. We met the pastor and his kids and it was an instant connection with everyone! They all welcomed us as we engaged with the kids of the Venezuelan refugees. We were able to connect with each one of the kids and […]

Guatemala Middle School: Days 1 & 2

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The first day of the middle school Guatemala mission trip was great! We arrived at the airport safely, drove an hour and a half out to the One More Child center, and settled in for the night. Once we woke up the next morning, we drove out to a coffee plantation in Antigua and had […]

Guatemala Seniors 2019: Greetings From Guatemala

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Greetings from San Antonio Huista, Guatemala! We are so excited and blessed to be here and to be able to share our Day 1 and 2 experiences with you… Our flight went smoothly and wonderfully. No member of our team sat alone and the whole ride solely consisted of jokes, laughs, and amazing biscotti. We […]

Dominican Republic Students 2019: Day 2

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Day two recap lets gooo!! Today was nothing short of incredible, as predicted. Deanna, our leader from One More Child, gave us the opportunity to sleep in a little bit this morning, and I think the extra hour was appreciated by all. We enjoyed a yummy breakfast, followed by a powerful morning devo led by […]

Colombia Students 2019: Day 1

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While today was a travel and settle in day, it was certainly filled with lots of joy and excitement about the work that starts tomorrow.  Once we arrived at the hotel and had dinner, the team had an orientation meeting with Alfredo from One More Child, along with Pastors Freddy and Diana.  The students learned […]

Dominican Republic Students 2019: Day 1

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Today was our first “day” in the DR . When we arrived, customs was quick and didn’t take more than 30 minutes and we praise the Lord for that. The apartments we are staying in are 2 hours from the airport, and we stopped at a “Dulceria”; a local store with sweet baked goods. When […]

March Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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In 1971, when Patty Fisher arrived at Oklahoma State University as a college freshman, her focus had changed dramatically from the previous year.  She and her high school girl friends had dreamed of “taking off (to college) and being free.” But Patty’s new longing was to be “fed” (spiritually). During her growing up years, the […]

Brazil- January/February Update


With your prayers, love and support January was one of the most impactful months to serve the children in the slums of Várzea, São Paulo, Campinas and even locals in Jarinú!

YFC Update: A Somber Van Ride

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It was a far cry from our typical loud, laughter-filled van routes home. This night was different and we all felt it. When we arrived at her apartment, Jasmine made her solemn exit, and the silence loomed over the remaining students. Eventually Blake broke the silence with this unconvincing statement, “After losing about 15 people […]

Nicaragua: Kicking off the year at Club Esperanza

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The 2019 school year is almost upon us, can you believe it?  (In Nicaragua the new school year starts in February)  During the month of January we will be getting everything ready to receive all of our students from last year and some new students as well, nearly 300 in total.  I went to Club […]

Nicaragua: Happy New Year from the Farringtons

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We hope that you and your family have a wonderful and blessed New Year! This is our prayer card that we mailed out this year and we hope it gets on lots of our friends and families refrigerators 🙂  We really do love and appreciate the support for our family as missionaries here in Nicaragua […]

East Asia: We are thankful for Christ Journey Church!

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It’s been a while since my last message. We have had a wonderful Christmas and new year time and I’d love to share about how things are going over here. As I review the last semester, there are many blessings to share.  This past semester has been one of growth for Maggie and I. We […]

Miami YFC: Angel’s Story


Angel joined our Catalyst after-school program because she wanted to learn how to play the drums, write songs, and record music. But when we first met her, she had a huge wall up. She barely smiled and let us know that she was an atheist from day one. Anytime we would do an activity where […]

Brazil- school vacation bonding!


Hello everyone, We’d like to share with you a Blog post written by our daughter Jessica and her husband, Nate, about the special children’s event that we had here at the AMO property on Monday. This is just the first day of a three day event specifically designed for the little kids that we minister […]

January Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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The large Toyota service center waiting room was filled to capacity on Monday morning, November 12. I took one of the few available seats and pulled paper work from my canvass bag, hoping to “redeem the time” while repairs were made on our car. A woman sitting in the far corner rattled on and on, […]

Merry Christmas! You Hold the Key: Shalim’s Story

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Merry Christmas from Miami Youth for Christ!  Please enjoy this video of Shalim sharing how Jesus changed his life.  People like YOU hold the key to making a difference in the lives of youth in Miami. Click here to learn more about our You Hold the Key campaign.

Cru at Purdue University

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2018…What A Year! Here is a look back on all the Lord has done this past year at Purdue University.  “So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.” -Joshua 4:7  

You Hold the Key: Yolande’s Story

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As 2018 draws to a close, we are thinking seriously about the fact that as adults in Miami, we hold the key to unlocking a child’s relationship with Jesus.  When we give our time, talent, and a treasure to God, we make paths straight for children who are trying to walk the right way. Yolande […]

November Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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Punjabi . . . Hmm?  Sounds like a new Olympic sporting event. Or, perhaps it’s the latest model of one of those cute, one-seater cars puttering along beside you on local streets. Could it be a medical term?  Instead of a tonsil-lectomy or a bursectomy, you might be scheduled for a “punjabi.” Maybe it’s the […]

Brazil Nov newsletter

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Greetings to all from Brazil, We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! May your time with family and friends be sweet and your hearts inclined towards HIM! Please take a look at what blessings we’ve been honored with…….. with grateful hearts, Pete and Jodi  

Guatemala Medical Mission: Day 6

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The Christ Journey Medical Mission Team finished up their work with a half-day clinic.  They saw 75 people today bringing the total to 431 patients seen in three days of clinic. It had rained all night in Vista Hermosa so the clinic area was pretty muddy, but that did not stop patients from walking over […]

Guatemala Medical Mission: Day 5

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Today was a full day for the Guatemala Medical Team. When they arrived at the village of Vista Hermosa there was already a long line of people that needed to be seen. So the team hit the ground running. They saw 160 patients.  All of them received the medicines they required. The Guatemalan people have […]

Brazil blessings!


Greetings from Brazil! The Lord is working in so many areas of our ministry with our volunteers, our church, our family, and within the hearts of those to whom we minister daily.

Guatemala Medical Mission: Day 4

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The Guatemala Medical Team from Christ Journey traveled early to the village and spent a full day seeing patients.  The team saw 130 people both adults and children.  It’s interesting to note that most of the villagers thought the clinic would be just a small effort. When they realized that they were having three physicians, […]

Guatemala Medical Mission: Days 1-3

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The Christ Journey Medical Mission Team consisting of two physicians, an ARNP, an RN and the Missions Pastor arrived in Guatemala on Friday, November 9. Another physician from a church in North Carolina joined them when he arrived 20 minutes later. As they entered the Guatemalan Airport, they were concerned because they had about $7000 […]

The TML Family

Here at Touching Miami with Love, we are so grateful for our decades-long partnership with Christ Journey. Your backing of our work makes each one of you a part of the TML family and there is nothing more fun than to watch family members grow and it’s also sad to see them move away. Family […]

Why I Went Over: To Conquer Fear!


We’ve launched our Over the Edge 2019 event!  In honor of OTE, we’ll spend the next few weeks sharing stories from folks who rappelled last year, in a series called “Why I Went Over the Edge.”  First up, we hear from Roxie, who rappelled for our Campus Life team, along with her husband, Jacob. To […]

Puerto Rico Mission Trip: Day 4

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Rome wasn’t built it in a day but IT WAS BUILT! Today all rebars were manually finished and installed in Orvie’s house and the concrete beams were nailed in from the inside and outside. The next goal is to pour the concrete but before the real work is the HARD WORK! With this kind of […]

Puerto Rico Mission Trip: Day 3

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Teamwork makes the dreamwork! We are working on two different homes this week in Puerto Rico.  One of the goals for today was to clean and organize just to make it a workable space. The conditions we are working for at these homes some would find unbearable to live in YET this is the reality […]

Puerto Rico Mission Trip: Day 1 & 2

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Christ Journey Church has sent a six-person team to Puerto Rico to assist in the rebuilding of several homes which were been damaged by Hurricane Maria in 2017. Our global mission partner, HOI, has organized this recovery effort and we are grateful for their commitment to serving those in need. Day 1 – Travel Our […]

October Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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Chicago’s hard statistics . . . 20 murders on one night, 50 murders over one weekend . . .  prompted us to call to check on some of the ministries which recently ordered materials from our Cru Resources office. Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Jonathan King, Metro Director of Chicago CEF, explained that the violence actually […]

Cru at Purdue University

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The intrigue was written all over Kathy’s* face (her name changed for anonymity). “I just don’t understand how God can forgive us for all we’ve done wrong if we just ask him,” she explained after Hannah and I walked her through the assurance someone has once they place their trust in Jesus. Kathy is a […]

Nicaragua: Casa Robles Rescue Home Update


THE UNSTOPPABLE HAND OF GOD When we sat in a Chili’s restaurant in San Jose, Costa Rica with the Schancks and Fredder having traveled together with Mama Angelica, Papa Yuri, his mom and grandmother by plane from Nicaragua, we were all pretty sure not a single one of us would have ever orchestrated things in […]

September Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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11th Grade, “Straight A” student, Larry Barr, listened quietly to the Spanish lesson review through his headset in the school language lab.  Suddenly, the Spanish teacher reached over Larry’s shoulder and grabbed the paper on which he had been doodling innocently.  “I can listen and write at the same time,” Larry defended himself.  “Not in MY […]

Superintendent Supportive of YFC’s Growth in Miami

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I had almost given up on Campus Life as a viable model to reach teens. Although Campus Life pervaded almost every high school in the 70s, it seriously struggled in the late 80s, and by the 90s it went defunct completely. BUT in 2010 we had one club emerge at Coral Park High that was […]

Honduras Women Mission Team: Day 7

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A week of service has come to completion for the Honduras Women Mission Team 2018. We praise God for the team’s safe return and look forward to sending more teams soon to minister and serve in the villages of the Agalta Valley. For more information about global or local mission opportunities through Christ Journey Church, […]

Honduras Women Mission Team: Day 6

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Day 6: milking cows, saying heartfelt goodbyes in the village, leading another session of teacher training….the Honduras Women Mission team had another wonderful day. We praise God for this report from the team leader: “We have never had a mission team from North America who worked with our women to unite our village; after the […]

Honduras Women Mission Team: Day 5

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Day 5 Update: Teaching these little ones to praise, worship, sing and dance unto the Lord is something we have been preparing for a while, the fruit of which was evident in yesterday’s VBS sessions. They learned it’s not who we are, but whose we are that causes us to worship the great I Am. […]

Honduras Women Mission Team: Day 4

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As we pulled up to the tiny blue schoolhouse for day two of VBS, those little faces lit up! A warm welcome at the gate of the school and a beautiful hand painted banner for Christ Journey hung behind them. From the moment we began today’s lesson, the love of God beamed through these children. […]

Honduras Women Mission Team: Days 1-3

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Sunday Night After two days of travel, we finally made it to the Ranch in the Agalta Valley of Honduras. There were twists, turns, obstacles, difficult decisions to be made, laughter, tears, and ultimately a joy and peace beyond understanding. To know and truly believe that God controls the good, the bad, the twists and […]

Camp Changes Lives

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I met Salena when she asked me to do her hair for 5th graduation. That simple request launched a relationship that completely changed my life and Salena’s. A natural mentorship grew between me and this 4-foot firecracker. But around 12, Salena’s carefree existence turned dark. Domestic violence, molestation, and alcoholism darkened her path. She shut […]

East Asia: Growing faith and steadfast commitment

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Hello Christ Journey Church Family, As another school year comes to a close, it is my privilege to share with you some of the amazing things God is doing here, as well as some of the ways you can be lifting us up in prayer. This has been a year of growth for us, both personally and […]

July Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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Dan Lane faced a difficult situation.  His father had passed away, leaving Dan’s mother with no financial provision.  Coming from a long line of hearty folks, most of whom lived well into their 90’s, Dan’s mom faced the prospect of living another 25 to 30 years . . . but with no income. Dan had […]

Nicaragua: Helping during this deadly political crisis.

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There has been so much loss of life, pain and suffering in Nicaragua over the last few months.  With all the uncertainty, we feel burdened by the Lord to help as much as we can.  We asked our teachers and staff at Club Esperanza if there were specific needs that they have during this dark […]

City Life is ON THE BLOCK! (Miami YFC)

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  If we want change to come to a City Life neighborhood, we know it’s not going come from outside; it must be within.  That’s why one of our cornerstone beliefs is that we not only lead kids to Jesus – we then teach them how to lead others to that same Love and Hope! […]

Brazil Crisis and Prayer Request


Hello from Brazil! Things here have calmed down since the crippling “Truckers Strike” last week. They were striking due to excessive taxes imposed, again, on gas and diesel. Brazil has one of the highest rates of taxes in the world! Truckers everywhere blocked highways and crippled commerce and all aspects of daily life (post offices, […]

The Spiritual Fruit of Multiplication

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“I am SO thankful for the way God has used Megan in my life! When I first came to Moody, she was one of the first people I met and she invited me to her small group right away. I felt so loved and cared for — she helped me feel like I belonged at […]

June Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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Saturate Orlando Update It’s better to aim for a star and hit the moon than it is to aim at NOTHING and hit IT.  Regarding the Saturate Orlando outreach, which we highlighted in early March, the goal was like aiming for a star . . .  to hand-deliver a door hanger bag (including a multi-language […]

Nicaragua: Revolution in Progress

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     Revolution in Progress…We moved here permenantly in 2005 and two years later Daniel Ortega was elected President of Nicaragua.  Ortega was a former President and Sandanista revolutionary from the 1980’s as Nicaragua ended a bloody civil war.  He won in 2007 by promising “Reconciliation.”  Over the past decade Nicaragua grew economically and his […]

Nicaragua: Middle School Team – Dominatin4Jesus#

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Highlights of a great trip from Farrington’s recent Newsletter:  On Top of Chapel Hill at Ruby Ranch   Christ Journey Church…we had an awesome time with our home church from Miami earlier this Spring.  We hosted a good crowd of middle schoolers and their parents, all ready to work hard.  One of the major projects […]

Camp Changes Lives! (Miami YFC)

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I met Salena when she asked me to do her hair for 5th graduation. That simple request launched a relationship that completely changed my life and Salena’s. A natural mentorship grew between me and this 4-foot firecracker. But around 12, Salena’s carefree existence turned dark. Domestic violence, molestation, and alcoholism darkened her path. She shut […]


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      GONZALEZ NEWSLETTER       “At 2:00am my phone rang. I thought it was one of my athletes. But, the voice on the other line was a store manager asking me to pick up my passed-out athlete from her store in South Beach. I grabbed my keys and went to get her.” This […]


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  GONZALEZ NEWSLETTER At the end of the Easter sermon, our pastor, Bill White, offered the opportunity to make a decision of faith. Admittedly, though we are supposed to keep our heads bowed and eyes closed, I peaked. To my delight, one of the international student athletes who came with us had a hand raised to […]

Brazil Update

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Greetings from Brazil! Please take a moment to see all the WONDERFUL things God is doing in the ministry! We covet your prayers! Blessings, Pete and Jodi      

Walking Through Trauma in Miami

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My phone buzzed late at night.  I was shocked to see the high school counselor’s name on my phone. It was about Juliana*, a high school junior. She explained that Juliana had been severely abused by a group of young men; she had survived but was in bad shape. My heart pounding, I dialed Juliana and […]

Political Unrest…Please Pray for Nicaragua

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Some of you may have heard on Facebook or seen in the news that Nicaragua is in the middle of some pretty serious Political unrest.  We want to let everyone know that we are all ok and nothing has escalated to a very dangerous level for most people.  There are however protests going on in […]

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am