This morning the boys finally got an early start at 5:30 and joined Jimmy, one of our One More Child leaders, in an early morning workout. 150 push-ups later, we enjoyed another delightful breakfast prepared by Ivelisse, our wonderful housekeeper from One More Child. The breakfast today included fried queso blanco, eggs, sausage, and fruit. We then headed out to El Carrizal. We took a group photo with our drone. We were then split up in groups. One group did Home Visits and another group assisted the families in carrying the packed food bags that were prepared yesterday. From there we all met back up as it started to rain which we had prayed for during the Home Visits. What an amazing answer to prayer. This is the dry season and the reservoir that serves the community is totally dry!
Upon our return to the church, one group started painting and the other group packed diapers and organized the supply closet. After that the children were invited in for our Children’s Ministry time. We worshiped and shared the Bible story with the children. This time concluded with an Arts and Crafts activity. The day ended with our team playing baseball with the local community. From there we headed back to prepare for the last distribution of the food bags. Our team helped take the food to the homes of the families. The bags weighed about 40 pounds each which was a challenge but we were happy to assist as the food would provide for the families that are sponsored through One More Child. From there it was a 27 minute drive from the church to the apartment in which we all got extremely close.
After that we arrived to our apartment, we ate dinner which consisted of fried chicken, rice, onions, red and green peppers, arepitas con maiz, and pasta. We had a WOW time and prepared for our Bible Story, we then had free time, played cards, UNO, dominos, and Would You Rather. We are looking forward to what the Lord would have for us tomorrow.