Guatemala Medical Mission: Day 6

The Christ Journey Medical Mission Team finished up their work with a half-day clinic.  They saw 75 people today bringing the total to 431 patients seen in three days of clinic. It had rained all night in Vista Hermosa so the clinic area was pretty muddy, but that did not stop patients from walking over an hour to get there.

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One of the physicians spoke to a young man and asked him if he wanted to learn how to get close to God. He said yes. The Missions Pastor shared the gospel with the him. He prayed to receive Christ. Immediately a smile crossed his face and he said he could sense something was different.  He saw the physician and hugged him thanking him for sharing the love of God with him.

After the clinic closed, the village Leadership Council got the medical team together and thanked them for the great work they had done with the villagers. They said that the villagers were thrilled to have the team there. They had made a big difference in the lives of these Guatemalan people.

After hugs and tears, the team boarded their van and traversed the same terrible roads that had brought them to Vista Hermosa, the difference being the constant misty rain. The roads were a little more difficult to manage but the Guatemalan driver did a great job. The team arrived at their hotel rejoicing in what God had done on the trip.  They had been able to help the villagers both with their physical challenges as well as helping them spiritually. Every team member felt like God had used them as his hands and feet this week.  They praised God for letting them be a part of his great plan to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am