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July Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

The timing of the two emails from a university faculty member couldn’t have been better.  We had just begun to work on a newsletter to highlight an outstanding new resource (A Grander Story: An Invitation to Christian Professors) just released by Faculty Commons, Cru’s ministry to faculty and graduate students.  And who should we hear from but a university faculty member asking for help.


Thursday, June 08, 2017, 9:24 AM.

     Hi, Cru Folks.  I am a part-time faculty member at (a well-known university).  Being a Christian, I would love to provide students on campus with information about how to come to Christ.  However, being a faculty member on a secular campus, I can’t directly do this.  I would like to be able to (use) some of your materials and put them in high-traffic areas for students to pick up.

We responded giving some suggestions, then received this follow-up email today from the same faculty member.

Monday, June 19, 2017 11:50 PM.

     I appreciated your sending me info about Cru.  I went to the web site and found a wealth of valuable information as well. Being a Christian faculty member on a secular campus is a bit tricky, so I decided to start with “indirect” evangelization.  I ordered (some of your materials).

     Today I went to the campus to get them approved and to put them out in the various campus buildings.  At the office where I got them approved, a student worker there told me he had the booklet, and he offered to help me with them!  It seemed like a good start.  I’ll check in a week or two to see if anyone is picking them up, although the campus is fairly quiet during the summer.

      I also plan to investigate the “Faculty Commons” on the Cru website.

    Prayers for guidance as I enter this new ministry would surely be appreciated!

Yes, sadly, the public university campus, one of the most influential institutions in our culture, is also one of the most spiritually needy corners of the U.S.  To live openly as a Christian there is certainly not for the faint of heart.  There is tremendous pressure on professors as well as on students to let the world squeeze them into its mold.

Please pray for the Cru-Faculty Commons ministry and this new resource which seeks to help Christian professors (like the one who sent us those two emails) to integrate their faith and their work, to be equipped for ministry, to be a light to their students and their fellow educators.

Praying that we will all be living out God’s calling for us in His grander story,

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P.S.  Many thanks for praying for our granddaughter Anna.  She continues with medication, and she is slowly improving.  And for that we are grateful.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am