We met Kara last February when South Miami’s club launched, but she’d already been on a YFC Core prayer list* since October. Her best friend Jenny has been praying for her since 2014 and was excited when Kara started attending club weekly!
When I let Jenny know that I wanted to sponsor Kara to go to camp, she said, “That would be amazing, but don’t get your hopes up. She’s an atheist and not interested in anything religious.” So we prayed. And Kara surprised us and said she would go!
While at camp, Kara wasn’t comfortable when it came to worship but listened respectfully to the speaker and really opened up during cabin time, sharing about her childhood trauma and why she became an atheist. It was heart-wrenching but beautiful to see the girls come around and show her love and respect for being so honest. By the end of the week she said she wasn’t sure about religion but was open to keep meeting and talking.
Between her work and college schedule we have managed a few appointments this year. She allowed me to pray with her at our last talk but was still hesitant when I offered her a Bible. I continued to pray as weeks passed, and tears came to my eyes when she texted me this week, “Do you think it’s possible you can provide me with a bible? I think I’m ready to read it all and analyze it and then read it again once I truly understand it. I just think I’m ready to open myself to scripture but I don’t know what bible to get or where to get it, so I thought of you.”
From atheist to open-hearted searching: God has done so much in Kara’s life in one short year! I believe that Christ is calling Kara to salvation and when her eyes are opened, Jenny and I will be there to celebrate with her. Thank you for praying and supporting Campus Life as we fight for each soul on the campuses of Miami-Dade County!
April Lovins
Campus Life Site Director – South Miami & Coral Gables
*YFC Core teams are groups of Christian students who meet and intentionally pray for and discover ways to reach friends who don’t know Jesus.