June Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

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Saturate Orlando Update

It’s better to aim for a star and hit the moon than it is to aim at NOTHING and hit IT.  Regarding the Saturate Orlando outreach, which we highlighted in early March, the goal was like aiming for a star . . .  to hand-deliver a door hanger bag (including a multi-language JESUS Film DVD, an evangelistic booklet, and local church invitations/info) to 750,000 homes in the greater Orlando area in just a week’s time, from March 3-9.   But good news!  As of the time of this writing, over 617,000 homes have received that packet of materials, AND THE DISTRIBUTION CONTINUES!

In fact, plans are already in the making to initiate this outreach in other major metropolitan areas in the U.S.  A major step toward this initiative was taken when a generous donor provided funds to the ministry for the printing of 60 million Four Spiritual Laws evangelistic booklets!

Special Project

For the last several months, in the midst of carrying out regular, daily tasks at the office, Larry has been working on a revision of the Spanish version of the Transferable Concepts Series.  He has also enlisted the help of a couple of people for whom Spanish is their first language. This series, written by Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru in the U.S.), is part of his ongoing legacy.  It includes such topics as “How to be Sure You Are a Christian,” “How You Can Introduce Others to Christ,” and “How to Help Fulfill the Great Commission.” Once Larry is done with the proofreading part of this project, all eleven booklets in the series will be combined into one volume, which will streamline the warehousing and distribution of the materials.

Current Responsibilities and Future Plans

With the reorganization of Cru Resources into three separate teams (as outlined in our January newsletter), Betty has been able to transition into a new schedule that allows her to work at home to maintain ministry partner connections and to branch out into more direct personal ministry opportunities.  She goes to the office to fill in as a ministry resource representative on an “as needed” basis.  Meanwhile, Larry continues in his regular full-time work schedule at the Cru Resources office, plus serving in a leadership and supportive role in our church’s Spanish-speaking mission.

In the midst of these regular, ongoing facets of our ministry, in recent months two or three friends have asked us when we might think of retirement.  After carefully considering several important factors, our plans are to press on with our ministry assignments with Cru Resources for three more years.  We anticipate transitioning into full retirement or Emeritus Staff status (special status for staff members who are 65 years or older, who have served at least 25 years with the ministry, who remain as members of the Religious Order but serve as volunteers) in the spring of 2021.

We are truly grateful for the years we have served thus far with Campus Crusade for Christ / Cru.  We fully anticipate the Lord’s clear direction and perfect provision for the last stretch of the way as we run with confidence the path He lays out before us.  We thank you more than words can ever adequately express for your ministry partnership with us (most of our ministry partners have been with us for many, many years).  We will continue to keep you informed of ways in which the Lord is using our combined efforts.  And, we look forward to rejoicing with you in heaven and with many others who will be there because of our partnership together!

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am