Guatemala Medical Mission: Days 1-3

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The Christ Journey Medical Mission Team consisting of two physicians, an ARNP, an RN and the Missions Pastor arrived in Guatemala on Friday, November 9. Another physician from a church in North Carolina joined them when he arrived 20 minutes later. As they entered the Guatemalan Airport, they were concerned because they had about $7000 of medicines and medical equipment to get through customs.  They had many people in Christ Journey praying that God would work out the customs issue and that all the medicines and equipment would make it through without problem. When the team arrived at customs, they were told to bypass the counter and go.  God answers the prayers of his people.

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After departing the airport, they drove 7 hours in a van on the Central American Highway to get to Huehuetenango, which is the department capital. After spending the night there, they continued toward Vista Hermosa, Guatemala.  It was only a four-hour trip, but it felt so much longer. The roads were all dirt roads and on very mountainous terrain with breathtaking views out the windows.  The general consensus of the team was that no one had ever traveled on such difficult roads. They truly felt like they were going “to the ends of the earth” on this trip. The team finally arrived at Vista Hermosa and met with the village leadership council. They got to know one another and made plans on how the clinic would run the next day.  Then the team set up the pharmacy.

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On Sunday morning, the team got to Vista Hermosa about 9 a.m. after about an hour trip on previous mentioned bad roads. The first thing the team did was divide up into three teams to do house visits for special needs families in three surrounding communities. Each team ministered both medically and spiritually to these families. It was an honor to visit their homes and share the love of Jesus with them.

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The clinic opened on Sunday afternoon.  The team saw a total of 66 patients. They had a variety of symptoms. The team dealt with the medical problems and they prayed with each patient. A young girl about 7 years old arrived at her appointment with the team pediatrician. The first thing she asked was, “Are we going to pray?” She was met with a positive, “yes.” It was a blessing for the team to serve these impoverished people.

There have been so many highlights in these first few days.  We have had strong times of team devotions, ministering and treating very needy patients and being the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting world.  One young lady prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior.  She said she’d bring her husband back to see if he could meet Jesus too. What an incredible beginning to a week serving in Guatemala.

John Churchill
Missions Pastor
Guatemala Medical Team Leader

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am