Why I Went Over: To Conquer Fear!


We’ve launched our Over the Edge 2019 event!  In honor of OTE, we’ll spend the next few weeks sharing stories from folks who rappelled last year, in a series called “Why I Went Over the Edge.”  First up, we hear from Roxie, who rappelled for our Campus Life team, along with her husband, Jacob.

To learn more about Over the Edge, you can visit our website.  To read more Why I Went Over stories, visit our blog.


My husband had been interning with Campus Life for a few months when he heard about the Over the Edge event – the opportunity to raise $1,000 for Youth for Christ, and then rappel down a 10 story building.  We both had seen the authentic, caring relationships that led to lives being changed through Jesus at Campus Life, and we wanted to support Youth for Christ.

But rappelling? There is nothing more terrifying to me than the thought of heights. Looking down upon the ground, at the tiny houses while the toy-like cars rush across drawstring streets…it creates in me a sensation – and not a good one! – like none other.

So yes, I am scared of heights. But what I am more scared of is the effect violence can and continues to have on our youth in this country.

More than half of teenagers in Miami grow up in a single parent home, and statistics show that youth violence is on the rise because of traumatic experiences that happen on a daily basis in the home. I was a victim of domestic violence growing up, and it caused me to become extremely angry and bitter. Today, youth are angrier, more violent and less secure than ever before, and I would contend that it is rooted in fear bred from a lifetime of experiencing violence and abuse.

The day we rappelled, I was encouraged by the other Over the Edgers. I loved being right in the middle of the building – it was all wild and awesome! I’d encourage anyone to take the plunge and support Campus Life.  You will have an experience you can’t forget and make a difference that can last a lifetime!

-Roxie Williams

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am