Touching Miami with Love & Run51 Music Video

Touching Miami with Love kids know how to live and enjoy each moment!  We were so pleased to be invited to take part in Run51’s latest music video for their song “This Moment.”

Jason Burris of Athletes in Action at the University of Miami is Run51’s drummer and long-time partner of Touching Miami with Love. The message of the song is that the moments we have to live, to grow, to smile and to enjoy are not to be taken for granted. In this life there will be challenges, trouble and hard realities to face, but with Jesus and what He accomplished we can live a victorious life now!

Check out Run51’s music video and follow the story of one young boy as he journeys through a crazy world, but chooses to take a moment to make the most of it.  Watch the story unfold as he meets new friends at Touching Miami with Love who make his journey an adventure!

Click here to watch the video:

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Please visit our websites to learn more about our ministries and outreach programs in the Miami community.  Join us in praying for our city!!

Touching Miami with Love, Overtown & West Homestead

Jason & Jenise Burris, Athletes in Action, University of Miami |


Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am