Christ-Journey-Church-TML logo for webHere at Touching Miami with Love, we are so grateful for our decades-long partnership with Christ Journey. Your backing of our work makes each one of you a part of the TML family and there is nothing more fun than to watch family members grow and it’s also sad to see them move away. Family reunions and calls help family far away share about accomplishments–the TML family is no different.

Recently Trina Harris, our Senior Program Director, shared with us about a call she received.  A parent in our TML Family called to say thanks for the impact our organization has had on their life. Her daughter, Artisha, had been in programming with us for several years.

A few years ago, work forced them to move north to Palm Bay, but they never forgot their TML family. This mom felt compelled to call to share with us the accomplishments of Artrisha now sixteen years old and graduating at the end of this school year.

Mom called to thanks TML for the impact it had on her daughter life. She shared, “Artisha is doing excellent in school! She’s graduating early and enlisted in the military. She’s going to work in Supply and Logistic. Thank you, thank you for all you’ve done for Artrisha!”

Mom couldn’t say enough about how grateful she is that her daughter was able to TML. She shared specific ways that TML impacted her daughter’s life helping her succeed educationally, grow emotionally, and dream big. What a delight for us to hear of Artrisha’s journey even beyond her years at TML.

Without your support, Artrisha’s life and so many others served by Touching Miami with Love have a brighter future. Thank you!


Jason and Angel Pittman, Touching Miami with Love

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am