October Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

Have you ever struggled with the question of whether or not gospel tracts for children are appropriate and effective?   Please consider the following unsolicited testimonial from a man who contacted our Cru Resources office to ask a question and to share his story.

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     How long has this Good News comic book tract been in print? he emailed.  It has to have been over forty years because it’s a part of my testimony of learning about the Gospel as a kid.

     Between the ages of eight and ten years of age, I read and re-read that short booklet by myself several times.  Understanding it reasonably well and taking it to heart, I followed the suggested prayer in the booklet to ask Jesus to forgive my sins and to let me become a child of God.  I determined to get to know more about this God who loved me.

      Through the years God continued to reveal Himself to the me and to others who were close to me.   God helped me to resist some tragic life choices which were made by other family members and peers.  God supplied His wisdom regarding those choices and His strength to help me stand firm in the right decisions. 

     The most important thing I ever did in my entire life was to learn about the Gospel as a kid over forty years ago.


At about the same time this man shared his own experience regarding the Good News comic tract, JoAnne, of Heartland International Ministries, contacted us about the same children’s resource.

Hello! she emailed our Cru Resources office.  For 35 years I have served as a missionary here in the USA as well as on many trips overseas. I visited your website today and was so excited to see that the Good News comic tract is still available!  I want to use it in a new ministry venue.

     My certified therapy dog, Opie, recently turned 11 years old.  He doesn’t enjoy walking anymore, 

so I got a doggie stroller for him.  I keep some of my Gospel magic tricks and copies of the Gospel of John in the stroller storage bin to share with people we meet.

     On our first stroll we came upon a birthday party.  The party theme was dogs!  Opie was very much welcomed to the party, and I was able to share the gospel with 10 people as well as give a Gospel of John to the birthday girl.  I would like to include the Good News comic tract in this new area of ministry.  Please let me know if there is any type of missionary discount.”


Due to social distancing concerns, many churches may cancel their popular Harvest Festival or Trunk or Treat community outreaches this fall.  If so, children may dress up and employ the old “Trick or Treat” routine.

We will leave our porch light on and offer a tasty (sugar-free) treat plus the Good News comic tract for younger kids, the Four Fantastic Facts booklet for older kids and Would You Like to Know God Personally? booklets for parents.

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Please pray with us for the opportunity to put age-appropriate Gospel presentations into the hands of entire families.

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am