Nicaragua: Rescue Home News…Good News!

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What a great day over Thanksgiving Week!  In our lives as Christians many of us remember our baptisms very fondly as an important part of our journey in faith.  Yesterday Fredder and Denis were baptized in the pool here at the Buzbees.  It was so awesome and we were so blessed to participate!

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These boys are becoming young men and over the last year both of them came to Papa Yuri at different times asking to be baptized.  Yesterday was the day we could finally all be together for their baptism.  They both shared their testimonies of coming to believe in Jesus as their saviors, which was very special to hear in their own words.  I believe that baptism is not just a moment of public profession of faith but also a moment where God does something deep and special spiritually in individual’s lives.  That was evidenced yesterday.  It was a very special time of worship for all of us.  We hope that you will continue to pray for both Denis and Fredder as they continue to grow with Christ.  Amen!

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Some more excitement yesterday was Maryel’s graduation from Kindergarten.  He is the most hysterical little guy and has brings so much life to everyone he comes in contact with.  He has done that for all us over this past year since he and his big brother Elery came into Casa Robles.  Mama Angelica and Papa Yuri have loved them as their own and it has brought incredible healing and growth in their lives.  Congratulations to Maryel on this very special day!!!

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Look at that smile…it is all the time!  My favorite moments are whenever he sees me he always asks “Donde esta mi Tia Krista” hahaha…he is so excited to see Krista whenever we are all together…it is so sweet!

The week started with greatness on Sunday!  We got to link in via the internet to see Angel be baptized in Tallahassee.  Angel went forward at church and accepted Jesus as his savior last month and this Sunday he was baptized.  It was so special that Papa Gary was the one to baptize Angel.  And the internet is so awesome because we got to be witnesses…see the video above.  God is good…all the time!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Casa Robles!  Please also keep praying for Mama Angelica as she continues chemotherapy to fight cancer she was diagnosed with in the Spring.  We ask Jesus for total healing!  Amen.


Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am