Nicaragua: Christmas has begun….

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We had a wonderful time together last Friday with our extended family of Casa Havilah and Casa Robles. Officially the first Christmas party of our year! This past year has been full of life, new things, salvation and ups and downs as well. God is so good and we celebrated each of these children we love with gifts and a fun time together.

The birth of our Savior! Humbly born in a manger. Emmanuel God with Us, experiencing all the of great things and hardships of life…knowing exactly what we feel. Then giving Himself as a sacrifice to atone for all of the sins of man in one beautiful stunning moment on Calvary. Thank you Jesus! We remember your birth this Christmas season with parties and live and life together!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

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All of our kiddos at the homes will be visiting their families over the Christmas and New Year break. Please keep them in your prayers during this time! Fredder, Naydelin, Denis, Alyson, Saxkia, Elery and Maryel….thank you for praying for all of them by name!

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A Nicaraguan original….Maryel as “Elf-o on the Shelf-o” LOL!!!

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am