Miami YFC Going Virtual!

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We’re Going Virtual!

Dear friends,

This is an unprecedented time in world history – a global pandemic is stretching across the globe, closing schools and businesses, forcing everyone inside. We at Miami YFC pray that you are healthy and that you are protecting yourself and your family from infection.

Our theme in this season is “replace, not cancel.” Thanks to technology, our leaders remain more dedicated than ever to sharing the truth and hope of Jesus with kids when they need it most!  Public doors may close, but ministry is wide open.

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Bonnie Rodriguez
Executive Director

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Be the Story Goes Virtual

Our Be the Story fundraising event would’ve been on April 4 & 5, but in light of the outbreak, we felt it was safest to replace the in-person event with a virtual campaign.

Our kick-off Live Stream will be on May 2nd and 3rd at 7pm. Please RSVP for this once-in-a-lifetime YFC event below.

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Virtual Ministry Zooms Into View

Our Campus Life team picked up ministry without missing a beat. April Lovins and Ace Arecher began hosting online Campus Life clubs to replace weekly lunch meetings, and Catalyst utilized WhatsApp to setup a Zoom video call for middle school students. Kids are eating lunch, touring their homes, and showing off pets with each other, while also hearing about how Christ offers us hope of eternal life in the midst of crisis. Over 80 youth engaged with leaders online in the first week alone.

Our staff have also partnered with leaders in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach to maximize our reach. If you’re interested in learning more about online club, email April.

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You Can’t Lock Out the Gospel 

While most kids can be reached via their phone or computer, there is one group who can’t: our youth in short- and long-term detention centers. But that won’t deter YFC! Thanks to Angel Terrero, our JJM Project Dade Director, we are going to be able to deliver DVDs with short messages to youth who are locked up. You may be able to keep people locked up, but no one can lock up the Good News.

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Kids are Finding a Church Home 

It can be difficult to get youth to attend church for the first time. But with so many churches going to digital services during the COVID-19 outbreak, kids have little excuse to not check it out! Our leaders have been working with local pastors to share information and invite youth to watch services together on Sundays. And since many kids are scared and lonely (and sometimes bored) right now, they are more open to joining in for Sunday morning worship.

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Using YouTube to Send Hope 

Even though some technology is new to us, our young leaders are digital natives. So it should come as no surprise that Noah Nemni & his KIX Club leaders were quick to create engaging, fun content for the elementary students they normally serve each week. Check out the work of these high school indigenous leaders here.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am