Miami YFC: Cassandra’s Story

Each year, we get the honor of helping youth share their YFC stories at our Be the Story event. If you weren’t able to attend this year, here is just one amazing story from our kids.

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My name is Cassandra*, but at Catalyst I get called Cass or Killa Cass. Catalyst was like a miracle to me. It was like God dropped it in my way.

When I was 10, my mom got thyroid cancer. Being the oldest child, I had to take on a lot of extra responsibilities. Because of the stress and pressure, I developed an eating disorder. And then the cutting started. And then depression came, and honestly, I felt like I was drowning.

Nobody knew on the outside that I was suffering because I would put on a happy face. I would be there for my sister and the rest of my family. But inside I was hurting. It was like trying to scream, but my head was underwater. My smile was up, but my eyes were empty.

When I came to Catalyst, my leaders were really there for me, especially Joy. They would listen to me and give me space to talk about my problems. They told me I mattered and that I was loved and cared for. They helped me begin to conquer my eating disorder and cutting.

Honestly, without Catalyst, I don’t know if I would be here anymore. I may have done something to hurt myself and others.

This program has helped me get closer to God and helped me in ways I can’t explain. Being closer to God has helped me with my anger, depression, and mental health. Now I get to spread the Gospel to my friends, tell them there is this amazing person, Jesus, who loves them and saved them and me. I am stronger than ever and I am healed.

*Name has been changed

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am