Miami YFC: Angel’s Story

Christ-Journey-Church-solangelAngel joined our Catalyst after-school program because she wanted to learn how to play the drums, write songs, and record music. But when we first met her, she had a huge wall up. She barely smiled and let us know that she was an atheist from day one. Anytime we would do an activity where she was asked to share any questions she had about God or the Bible, her answer would be, “None of your business.”

We continued to love on her and share the truth of God’s Word. Then, one day she heard that another Catalyst student had started attending our Bible study on Monday nights at Catalyst. To our surprise, she pulled Vivian aside and said, “I think I want to give God a second chance!”

Angel went on to explain that she had gone to a “religious school” for three years when she was younger and she felt like “religion had been shoved down her throat,” so she rejected God completely. But at the Catalyst after-school program, we gave her a choice. We didn’t force her to believe in God; instead, we shared the truth of His Word and invited students to think about it and decide for themselves.

That intrigued Angel. She wanted to know more! When she heard that we were going to be going to camp this summer, she was the first to say she wanted to go. And, when she came back from Christmas break she said that one of her Christmas gifts was that she was going to get to go to camp. In other words, going to camp was on her Christmas wish list! Please pray for Angel and the other kids in our after-school program to open their hearts to Christ this year. As always, we thank each of you for your faithful support which makes it possible for us to reach kids like Angel.  

To learn more about Miami YFC, please visit our website.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am