May Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

Our oldest granddaughter, Anna (12), has been learning to use a sewing machine. Earlier this year she created a really beautiful apron for Betty’s birthday.   More recently she created colorful face masks for us to wear to the grocery store and other essential places.

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Actually, the need for face masks has opened an unexpected door for the international ministry of our organization. In one country which requires its citizens to wear face masks anytime they leave their homes, our staff members have partnered with 805 churches in 63 cities or designated areas to distribute almost 1 million masks.

Included with each mask is an evangelistic booklet and a note that says, “If you would like to have true peace, please visit these websites.” The three websites have videos, messages, music, and articles to help point the recipients to Christ. One of the sites includes the JESUS film in the local language.

This initiative has brought unexpected results. Many local people saw that Christians were concerned for them by providing this necessity. Some people shed tears when they were approached. They felt valued and cared for.

Because the authorities saw that the Christians were helping the community, some restrictions for church planters and disciples have been eased.

As Ma said in the Little House on the Prairie books, “There’s no great loss without some small gain.” We certainly do not minimize the tragic loss of life, and the suffering and chaos created by the current pandemic. We are grateful, however, to see that God is opening doors for people to be introduced to Him because Christians are seizing the unexpected opportunities arising in these unprecedented times.

For us personally, the “shelter in place” that has been in effect has made it possible for us to reach out to our ministry partners through phone calls, emails, and notes. We have been able to reach almost everyone in one way or another.   We have made a notebook listing the prayer requests and needs of you, our faithful friends, prayer warriors, and financial supporting partners.

Each night we sit together on the sofa and pray through the requests, one-by-one. We will continue to lift up the needs you have shared with us. If we have not yet been able to contact you, please call us, email us, or send a note (see our contact information at the top of this newsletter). We value you, and we want to minister to you related to your own struggles and needs.

God bless you,

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am