Making BIG moves!

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Close your eyes and imagine your life without Jesus. What would your life look like if you were never taken to church by your parents? What if your friend never invited you to church or told you about Jesus? What would it look like if your only hope for this world was in your job, your spouse, your money, the economy, politics, your health, etc.? How would that change the big decisions you’ve made? Would you be single? Would you be happy? Would you be anxious or fearful? Would you even be alive?

This is an exercise I do with the girls I mentor to bring them to a place of remembrance and awe of what God has done in their lives. When I do this with them I am instantly taken back to the numerous mornings in college I woke up filled with anxiety and regret from the night before. Or the constant ruminating on choices I needed to make in order to solidify a “secure future,” which often led to poor choices and a constant cycle of anxiety and fear.

I am so thankful that Jesus entered into that cycle when I was 24, but I wish I had someone during those college years to show me that He wanted to be my source of security and joy. This is why I am on staff with Cru. God placed a call on my life to show women that Jesus is the only one who can fill that constant longing and provide true freedom.

And that call on my life has brought me to a new door and greater opportunity for the gospel. I will be moving back to Miami, Florida to join the South Florida Cru team to minister to women at the very same colleges and universities I attended!

Miami, Florida is unlike any city in the United States. It’s comprised of 2.8 million people: 81% are minority, 461,670 live below the poverty line and 39% are foreign born. My doorstep will be a gateway to the world!

Thank you for being a part of what the Lord has been doing at Purdue University and now Miami, Florida. I fully believe that both you and I only get a small glimpse of how much your financial gifts and prayers make an impact in the lives of people for Jesus.

May we all continue to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the only one able to present us before God’s glorious presence without fault and with great joy! (Jude 24)

Reach South Florida, Reach the World. 

Until the whole world hears,



Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for the upcoming Fall semester for Purdue University as well as the schools in South Florida. We need the Lord to provide creative ideas on how to connect with non-believers. Going on campus may be more challenging with COVID precautions.
  • Please pray that I would build deep friendships with the staff I will be working with in Miami.
  • Please pray for the Lord to provide an apartment, a roommate, and great community in Miami.
  • Pray against discouragement. It can get challenging for me at times to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and the long term goal, as opposed to the hard things in my life.
Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am