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At the end of the Easter sermon, our pastor, Bill White, offered the opportunity to make a decision of faith. Admittedly, though we are supposed to keep our heads bowed and eyes closed, I peaked. To my delight, one of the international student athletes who came with us had a hand raised to become a Christian!

To kick off the month, we rented a van on Easter Sunday to shuttle UM students to service at Christ Journey. Five athletes came with us to breakfast, followed by worship.

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Later that evening, we received a text that they enjoyed their Easter experience so much that they wanted to stay connected with each other and do a reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App called “Pray Like Jesus”. We were so excited to hear of how they are initiating their own small group for spiritual growth.

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Then, after returning from a two-week journey as a family, we were exhilarated to be invited by the athletes to join them and their friends for breakfast and attend worship together afterwards. (This time we didn’t need to rent a van. They took the initiative to Uber.)

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What started as inviting a group to church has turned into the group becoming part of the church. Now, they are inviting us! That is the beginning of a spiritual movement!

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To end the semester, we offered a Bonko Break where a few of the ladies from the Monday night Gal’s Group joined us. Four out of the five in the image above are freshmen and we are excited to see what God will do in and through them in the coming years!

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Prayer Requests

  • We will be departing for Puerto Rico in one month. Pray for our preparation.
  • We started a new study on the book of Philippians with the coaches. Prayer that their joy in Christ would overflow in how they coach.
  • We’ve hit some speed bumps in our home renovation process. Pray for perseverance and wisdom to finish in May.
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  • Brittany has officially finished her MBA program and will be having her graduation this summer.
  • Our home was broken into this month. Though we are grieved by the stolen items, we are grateful that no one was hurt.
With great love and appreciation,
Anthony, Brittany, Micah, & Kyla
The Gonzalez Family
Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am