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You are never so far down you can’t look up…

You are never so far gone you can’t turn back. You can never outsin the grace of God in Christ. You can never pray a prayer God cannot hear. I believe these things.

I also believe the church of Jesus Christ is here to help people find the life-changing hope and help of God in following Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Christ Journey exists for those not yet part of it. We are on mission for God in a lost and hurting world. We are not a showcase for saints. We are a hospital for sinners. We are not a morality social club for those who think themselves better than others. We are a needy people. Hungry souls freely receiving from Jesus what we could never do for ourselves.

And we are a people ready and willing to share what we have found with anyone seeking and ready to listen. Everyone is welcome at the cross of our Savior. Everyone is welcome at the table of Jesus. But Jesus said the blessing to be found there will only be unlocked when we come as those “poor in spirit”, mourning in heart and willing to yield to His reign. Please join me in this season of spiritual harvest as we trust God to lead us into the future of His design.

Greater things are coming,

Pastor Bill

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am