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Spiritual Gifts Assessment

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As a part of our series we are asking everyone to complete a Spiritual Gifts Assessment.  This is free and will help us all identify how God has gifted us for ministry and life.  You can CLICK HERE to go directly to the assessment or access the assessment and the results online at any time […]

About This Series • When the Spirit Moves

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Would you like to know God’s Spirit better? Have you been praying for a fresh awareness of God in your life? A renewed sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading? Then let’s do it together! This new teaching series will explore Jesus’ promises of His Spirit moving in and among His people. We will learn how […]

Letter from Pastor Bill

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Together in Prayer… Jesus said, “A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another” – John 13:34-35 Jesus wants us to love each other. But Jesus isn’t talking about […]

Deacon Nomination

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If you know a man who loves Jesus, faithfully leads his family, is respected among his community, and embodies life on the EDGE as a member of Christ Journey Church, then nominate him to serve as a Deacon (see 1 Timothy 3). Let’s envision the expanded reach of the kingdom through these men on fire, […]


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StartUp is the best way to connect with and participate in our membership process at Christ Journey Church. It connects you with our church community, helps build stronger bonds, and fosters a more profound sense of belonging and understanding of our mission as Christ’s followers & His Church. StartUp provides an ideal opportunity to connect […]


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Living on the EDGE is about developing a closer relationship with Christ, which empowers us to GO, make disciples, teach others, and live with the knowledge that He is always with us (as described in Matthew 28:19-20). While this may seem challenging, there is a way to prepare yourself and bring others along through the […]

Join our Guest Services Team!

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Have the gift of Hospitality? We need your smile as we help people find and follow Christ! GUEST SERVICES • SUNDAYS 9a & 10:30a & 12pIf you love getting to know people and have the gift of hospitality, there’s no better place for you than our Guest Services Team! Your warm welcome can make all […]

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am