Brazil- Sleepover Camp 2018

Camp, that wonderful time of year where kids from the poor communities where we minister get to leave their surroundings for a  few days to get distracted, have fun and eat lots of yummy food. Aka, a time of wonderful exhaustion for all of us camp volunteers!

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Our goal for Camp is to bring the kids out to where they won’t be influenced by the worldly pressures of the ever-so-popular Carnaval here in Brazil. It is such a huge part of the culture here that it’s difficult to avoid as businesses and schools close, television shows a constant barrage of semi-nude bodies dancing in the streets and every neighborhood has their own local celebrations.

We brought older teens first and then young children out to the mission property from the Favela Cachoerinha in Sao Paulo, Gleba B in Campinas, Varzea Paulista, and Maracana. In addition we had nine small children from Campinas here at the same time having their own separate camp experience.


Their days were made up of many activities and games, bible studies, competitions, night games, special dress up dinners, sports and food!  We are thankful for His protection over everyone!

When the group of teens from Sao Paulo were being driven back home one of our volunteers messaged us to pray for one of the bigger guys, Emerson, as he was crying in the van! He didn’t want to go back to his home. When our team took back the young kids to Campinas the mother of one of the eight-year-old girls asked if we could bring her daughter back home with us as there wasn’t going to be food in the home for any of them the following day. It breaks our heart what some of these kids go through day-to-day. We are thankful to be able to be present in their lives as it may be the only stable thing they have to count on. Please join us in prayer for them.

Thank you Lord for the wonderful ministry you have lead us to be a part of; for the volunteers who minister with us daily; for our supporters- both individuals and churches; for providing for all of our needs!


Pete and Jodi

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am