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Brazil- Rainy days and baptisms

Greetings from Brazil! 2020 has started off with a bang and it looks like we’ll be kept very busy this year! Activities, events, baptisms, all taking place already plus we have an almost full mission team schedule for this year. Many teams will be coming to help us hand-in-hand in the favelas as well as encourage and bless us along the way.

Christ Journey has a team planned for June 12-20. If you are interested please get in touch with Kim Erwich in the post office or visit the CJC website for more information! We would love to have you be a part of reaching out to the very poor communities where we work.


Last week we celebrated with a long-time attender of our Campinas church. Natalia started attending our church as a little girl. Difficulties within her family discouraged her in so many ways and she never made a decision for Christ. She eventually disappeared and left the church. Many years later, now 28-years old, she slowly returned. Little by little her relationship grew with the Lord and she professed her faith. Sunday she was baptized here at the AMO Campus! What a great day!

Please keep Natalia in your prayers as her home situation is still a mess and she needs peace and spiritual rest. Pray that she can be an ever-present light to her family.

We are right in the middle of rainy season here in Brazil and it’s a MESS! Flooding and landslides are making life chaotic for everyone. The big concrete city of Sao Paulo is the worst as there is no place for all the water to go. In the favela (slum) Cachoerinha where we work a resident sent this video yesterday……a mudslide just obliterated a resident’s wooden shack and is threatening to do more damage. If you look into the center of the video you will see the shack partially buried. Our team is on their way there right now and do not know what to expect as it rained even more through the night. Please pray for their safety.

From this same favela we have 2 to 3 young teen boys getting baptized this coming Sunday at our AMO Campus. Praise the Lord!

Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement. We are truly blessed!

Much love, Pete and Jodi

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am