Bahamas: Happy Sad (Family Mission Day 4)

Well, today was a full day of readying the garden for seeding, loving the children at VBS and spending quality time with the church leaders as well as with our own team. We are pretty tired, but not weary. We are sun-kissed, but not burned. And we are happy, but also sad. Today was our last day of Vacation Bible School with the precious children of McLean’s Town. Admittedly, there were a few tears shed as we said good-bye and found ourselves being squeezed on all sides.

What an amazing 3 days we had with them, today being the most rewarding. You were praying that we would connect with them, and God did just that! The laughter, the smiles, the participation and the receptivity to the Gospel of Jesus was all over that place! We were intentional to assure them of how much God loves them and how Jesus could be the best friend they ever have. Please pray that their hearts grabbed on to that truth, and that they would trust God and follow Jesus for themselves AND by helping others for the rest of their lives.

Tomorrow is a bit of a rest day for us, once we get those seeds planted in the garden. Speaking of seeds, we are really praying hard that it’s not only vegetables we came here to plant. We are counting on God to be doing the work of harvesting much more than the kind of food that only fills hungry bellies.

Goodnight, Friends.

Your Bahamas Family Mission Team 2017

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am