Bahamas: Getting to Work! (Family Mission Day 2)

We are ready!

This morning, right after breakfast, we began detailed preparations for today’s work. The dads in our group went to assess the spot where we will build a garden, while the rest of our team met to practice (pic below) for the teaching and worship time of today’s VBS. Once the soil and lumber arrived, we unloaded the materials so we can actually begin setting the structure for the garden tomorrow morning.

Right now, we are in our cottages having some sandwiches before we head out at 12:30 to setup for Day 1 of VBS. Please pray that families will send their children to us for 3 days of experiencing God’s love and learning about God’s plan for them – that they are uniquely MADE by God, to TRUST God and to HELP others.

We’ll sign off with a highlight from yesterday. Our entire team (especially the kids) was more than impressed with yesterday’s worship service and the people of the Emmanuel Baptist Church. It’s not that the idea of worship is strange, but we couldn’t help but notice, as one of our kids put it, “They say ‘Amen!’ all the time, and they talk loud with empathy!” “Emphasis, you mean?” another kid responded. “Yeah – THAT’S what I mean!”

I dunno. Empathy may be exactly the right word. So we’ve decided to spend the rest of our week together, using as many words as we can to describe God – His glory and His work. We are putting praise in our mouths, and it is our kids leading the way. Oh, the adults are showing up too. Below are a couple pics of “Pastor” Caleb and “Pastor” Scott bringing words of edification and blessing to the congregation. Yep – they are wearing full suits! Amen?!?!

Amen! He’s a Mighty God. The Most Excellent God. Our Sure Foundation and Strength wherever we go.

With Empathy,

Your Bahamas Family Mission Team

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am