April Cru newsletter – Larry and Betty Barr

When our girls were moving through those “tween” years toward adolescence, we kept our eyes and ears open, eager to learn from other Christian families how to help prepare Ruth Ann and Angela to stay on course with the Lord for the long haul.  A seasoned Campus Crusade for Christ staff couple offered the following sound advice.

“Get them to participate in Christian youth rallies and conferences. Being with hundreds or even thousands of other young people who are excited about following Jesus will mobilize their own faith and commitment to the Lord.  And participating in well-organized, carefully-directed spring-break and summer mission projects will bolster their personal growth and spiritual development.”

We took that advice to heart with good results for our own daughters.   Now we are asking you to pray, as hundreds of college students (and even some high school students) are applying to participate in scores of Cru Summer Missions projects. (You can see an impressive line-up of the 2019 summer post opportunities at the Cru website above.)

U.S. projects include Urban, Outdoor, and Beach locales.  Time frames range from 1-2 weeks, 3-5 weeks, or 6–12 weeks.  In addition to these summer projects, some “Quarter,” “Semester,” and “Gap Year” projects are offered, as well as global, career-oriented projects and internships.

This past January 10-12 around eight hundred Cru senior staff members gathered in Denver, CO for the Cru Summer Missions Team Leaders Training.

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Some Breakout sessions included topics such as “Crossing Cultures within Your Team . . . Digital Toolbox . . . Ops Help Desk . . . Storytelling . . . Jesus Film App and Short Film . . . Travel Tips . . .  and Leading with Ethnic Diversity.

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In support of the upcoming summer mission projects, our Cru Resources office provided sample copies of thirteen requested books/materials for the team leaders to peruse before placing orders in bulk (our thanks to Larry Stephens, pictured above, who manned the book table and provided conference photos).

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Take a close look at the wording on this Cru summer Missions Icon.  It’s “GO-vember”.  Yes, NOW IS THE TIME to GO on mission.

We are very thankful to Campus Crusade for Christ/Cru for decades of directing life-changing summer mission projects in the U.S. and around the world, as well as providing teaching, training, and mentoring for young Christians to serve the Lord with excellence and passion.

And we thank YOU, our ministry partners, for serving with us as our Cru Resources team works to provide materials, not only to Cru summer post, but also to other ministries, churches, and individuals on the GO.

With gratitude and appreciation,

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am