Winter Conference this year was amazing! Eighty Purdue students joined over 1,300 students in attendance! We got to see 70 students indicate a decision to live their lives for Jesus during one of the main sessions (pictured above)!Me and some Purdue students at Winter Conference. 🙂I had the amazing privilege of baptizing Emily, a student of mine. It has been really cool watching her take baby steps of faith with Jesus. She’ll be going on summer mission with me to Chicago! Please pray for Emily as she begins to trust the Lord to provide financially for her summer mission and prepare her heart for all he is going to teach her.
Gloria’s love for Jesus exudes from her smile and personality, but she doesn’t shy away from telling those around her about him. “I love how you said, ‘Jesus is so amazing!’ I’ve never heard someone speak about him like that,” said Sindy, a student researcher from Columbia who was befriended by Gloria (pictured above). One coffee date with Sindy turned into a deep friendship with three girls from Columbia! Gloria invited Sindy, Carolina, and Shirley to her house over the holidays where she was able to share the gospel with all three of them. Each of them were deeply moved and expressed their desire to live the rest of their life for Jesus! Praise God for Gloria’s faithfulness and God’s Holy Spirit moving. Please pray for Sindy, Carolina, and Shirley as we hope to be able to talk them through their next steps of growth as followers of Jesus.