Youth for Christ: It Broke My Heart to Tell Her NO

Christ-Journey-Church-IMG 20170826 180212 782It was at a meeting with the Miami Dade Police Department and Juvenile Services that I had to say no. We were inviting the officers to bring at-risk youth in the south area to participate in Project Dade, Miami YFC’s 12-week faith based course for high-risk youth. Our prayers were answered when they responded with an emphatic “yes.”

They got so excited about the curriculum that teaches our toughest youth population about forgiveness, overcoming addictions, and their identity in Christ, that the female officer representing the north area decided she wanted her group to have our program, too.

It pained me to tell her NO.  “We don’t have the resources (laborers) to add that group yet,” I relented. This absolutely broke my heart. Our mission is to reach teens across Miami with the life-changing message of Christ and here I am saying we can’t get to those kids. Our Juvenile Justice team is stretched thin as it is, running programs in the 4 detention centers and launching Project Dade at 3 new sites.

Miami YFC has a harvest of opportunities to reach more and more young people in more neighborhoods, more schools, more detention facilities. The only thing keeping us from saying “yes” is lack of manpower.

If you’re interested in helping us, you can learn more about the many ways you can reach Miami’s lost and hurting youth.


Bonnie Rodriguez

Miami YFC Executive Director


Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am