Visits and updates on Brazil

Hello everyone,

This has been a wonderful and crazy month for us as we are currently in the U.S. visiting family, friends, and supporters. When I say “we” I mean Pete, myself, and two of our three adopted daughters (sadly, the third was denied an entry visa for this trip).

Our oldest daughter, Jessica, and her husband Nate joined us from Brazil for a short time as well and, for those who don’t know, they’re expecting baby #1 in November!

We have not been here as a family since 2014 so we have some catching up to do!

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Not pictured: our boys, Josiah and Luke, who live and work in Gainesville.

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In our absence the ministry work continues as normal thanks to a great team of full-time, by-faith missionaries. They minister to 5 communities in four different cities through out the week and keep incredibly busy! Baptisms were performed, many meals were served, and many were evangelized and or discipled. We are very proud of them!

Our awesome team down in Brazil who keep things running smoothly while we are gone:Christ-Journey-Church-IMG 9955 e1566525364406

It’s really exciting visiting people who have come down on mission teams to Brazil. The excitement that emanates form them is contagious! Many youth and young adults visit us through out the year and spend a week doing post with us hand-in-hand participating in everything that we do. For many it’s a life changing experience. They then encourage and excite others to do the same. At the same time they forge long lasting friendships with our team members and to those that we minister to. It’s truly a cross cultural experience.

If you have never thought of participating in a global mission trip I encourage you to seriously think about it!

CJC has a Brazil trip planned for June 2020 and we would like to personally extend an invitation to you!  For more information please go to:


Pete and Jodi

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am