Happy 2017 to everyone from all of us here at Apascentai Minhas Ovelhas (Feed My Sheep) Brazil!
We are overjoyed at the abundant blessings that the Lord has poured on this ministry. He continually provides for our needs and opens doors which seem impossible, to the human eye, to open.
If you have not read our 2016 year-end newsletter yet I strongly encourage you to do so! To see the beautiful pictures and read what “Feeding His Sheep” is all about to us click here:
We want to thank Texas Baptist Men and Christ Journey Church for implementing AMO’s agriculture ministry years ago. It has been an ongoing ministry throughout the years since its conception. It has influenced favela children in agriculture, provided fresh produce for AMO Campus needs and provided for four other poor communities. By delivering fresh produce into these communities we are provided with opportunities to take the message of Christ’s life and His plan of salvation to the people. We plant the seed of Good News, splash His love and presence by being temples of the His Holy Spirit, teach His word and pray over them in their homes. We do this with the hope that one day Eternal Life will spring up in their lives.
"How many lives could a field of corn impact for the glory of God? A couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to plant a field of corn with the help of 4 young boys who have lost almost everything. While we planted, we talked about how great the Father is who cares for us and sends rain to make plants grow, providing food for us. Jumping ahead to harvest, I found myself surrounded by teenage guys from one of our slum community churches who have dedicated their vacation time to serving the Lord as volunteers with AMO. During harvest, we talked about the need for missionaries to go out around the world, into the fields of harvest where Jesus has sent us. Some of these young men feel a call to carry the gospel to Africa, and others to Asia, but they all see the need for the Gospel now in their home communities here in Brazil and want to be used by God to proclaim the message of Christ. In this first week of harvest, we gave out nearly 1,000 ears of corn in three communities, including 480 freshly cooked corn on the cob that were distributed in our Cachoeirinha ministry center and in its surrounding pathways to people ranging from teenage mothers to drug traffickers.During our children’s Bible class in that same favela, we talked about how a seed must be broken to sprout new life and how Jesus was broken for us, that we might have eternal life. With just a little corn, we have seen God open so many doors for the Gospel to be proclaimed and the purposes of God to be cultivated in the hearts of young people. And what is most exciting for us is that this was the first week of harvest and there is so much more to come, both for the corn and for the Kingdom! Thank you, for your continued prayer and support for AMO Ministries and our various mission projects. To God be the glory -Nathan Becker- AMO Agriculture"

We are right in the middle of the summer school break and that means that we have lots of kids at our house for almost two months! This week, in addition to some teenagers, we have very young kids from four different cities spending time with our team. These kids come from the favelas (slums) and suffer in ways which most of us can’t even comprehend.
Please pray specifically for Cinthia (14 years old) and her little sister, Vitoria (6 years). Theirs is an extreme case of hardship and they live under constant threat of being taken away by social services.
This is Cinthia’s first time coming out to our place and seeing her interact with our twelve-year-old is eye opening. She does not act like a typical fourteen-year-old but more like a wary, cautious adult. Although she’s quiet and reserved she’s doing well with everyone around her and was especially thrilled when our team member Daniela brought out nail polishes. Today she went to the big mall for the very first time in her life with our team. She came home exhausted and happy.

Sitting by the pool painting her nails
Thank you to all of you who pray for us and for the ministry work here in Brazil. There is SO, SO, SO much work to do and the laborers are few! We covet your prayers and look forward to the day when we can see you again and boast about what the Lord has done.
Pete & Jodi- Brazil