Nicaragua: Walakitang Happenings…

We continue in our support for Pastor Victor in Walakitang and the church planting network along the Rio Coco in the indigenous region of Nicaragua on the Honduran border. We have supported this church planting movement for over a decade now, under the covering of our local church La Iglesia Cristiana Verbo. Recently we helped Verbo organize a pastoral training seminar in Puerto Cabezas for the Pastors from all the churches along the Rio Coco. It is so important to take the time to train and equip these men who have dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel to the most unreached regions of Nicaragua.

Pastor Earl, who is the national director of Verbo church and an awesome brother in the Lord, organized the seminar and reported that it was a great success. He was thankful that we were able to step in later in the planning to help get all of the pastors transportation to Puerto Cabezas. Depending on where they were coming from it was a three hour bus ride or a full day boat ride. The dedication of these men is admirable, and we are always encouraged by the stories we hear of lives being changed.

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Pastor Victor recently shared this photo he took from a village named Tigni Sangni. Victor decided to make the two our hike through the forest to get to the village to share the Gospel there. By the end of his stay he was in the river baptizing men and women into the Kingdom of God. The Good News of Jesus Christ reaches to the ends of the earth.

We support the work along the Rio Coco in many different ways. Over the last year we have sent tons of food up and down the river to assist as the people recover from the Hurricanes that hit. We send school supplies to the kids in Walakitang and their small school there. We have helped build boats, and homes and have supported Victor and his family for years. But pictures like this one are what it is all about.

That man in Tigni Sangni met the Lord that day in a personal way. Because of the amazing plans of God he now has a new life in Jesus to live with joy and peace and service and purpose, and he also has that promise of eternal life with Jesus. Amen and Amen!

We appreciate your continued prayers and support for Pastor Victor, his family, Walakitang and the Miskito churches along the Rio Coco!

Chris & Krista Farrington

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am