Nicaragua Students 2018 – Day 2

Day two has been very exciting yet it has felt very long. We started off the day by waking up early and doing our devotionals on the third floor. Then, we had a delicious breakfast(cooked by the amazing Mrs. Maria). After that, we went to a church service and thankfully understood the message because of Mike’s translating skills. Then we went to a supermarket and bought A LOT of supplies that will be delivering to family’s that have children with special needs. By far the best of the day was meeting the kids at our VBS (we already have special bonds with them)! Since this is holy week, the kids got to hear about Palm Sunday and they even did a fun craft where they shaded over palm leaves with a crayon to create their own palm to remind them of Jesus’ entrance into the city of Jerusalem. But that’s not all…we sang and danced with them and even made prayer cards together. They were able to take home those crafts as a reminder that Jesus is always with them. We ended the VBS with snacks and hopes of seeing them all tomorrow.

Caden, Jacob,and Katie

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am