Nicaragua: Please pray for Angelica

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Mama Angelica (who is the house mom at our boys rescue home Casa Robles) was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in the late spring. It was a really harsh diagnoses to hear, as you can imagine. She found the lump in an annual mammogram and the biopsy showed it was cancerous and fairly large. She and Papa Yuri have been going through this together, but it has been tough. It has hit all of us pretty hard as part of her extended family as well. So please be praying for her healing! We have been for the last few months and ask you to join us in praying for Mama Angelica!

The first good news she received after a number of disappointing visits was that it has not moved into lymph nodes, lungs, liver, stomach or any other major organs. That was a relief! But the treatment is pretty heavy even still. She began her first round of chemo in July. The intention of the chemo is to shrink the tumor and then operate. She feels confident in her doctors and the plans they have set for her. She will have a second round of chemo this Friday. So please be praying.

The summer was especially tough for her as the side effect of her hair falling began. It’s a very emotional time that she and Yuri are going through together. Her confidence in God to heal her through this is higher than her confidence in the doctors. It is an inspiring faith that she has. It’s the faith of a mom who sacrificed daily for children who have become hers over years of leaning on God to be in charge of their little Casa Robles family. Incredibly, she did say her hair is the only major side affect so far and she has felt good. She said she has felt good every morning. So, we will keep praying for strength in her body!

She recently told us that the other mom’s at the boys school have been so supportive, especially as the chemo has taken affects on her hair. They told her “we will all wear hats, we will get all made up and we will go through this together!” That is what will carry her through, a community of believers who pray for her, reach out to her, love on her, cry with her and encourage her.

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We come to the cross Jesus and we pray for Mama Angelica. God we ask you to heal her physically of cancer and give her body supernatural strength in this time. We ask you to give her wisdom and guide her through all the decisions she has to make. And Lord we ask you to wake her up every morning and touch her with your presence to help through this fight. Encourage her everyday Jesus and heal Mama Angelica. I ask this in your holy name. Amen.

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If you would like to email a word of encouragement to Angelica and Yuri their email is [email protected] and they also both use Yuri’s Facebook page if you would like to “make friends” with them on Facebook.

Thank you for joining with Angelica in her fight against this cancer!

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am