Nicaragua: Hurricane Relief…A Christmas Report of Praise!

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This past week we got to participate in one of the best Christmas gift givings you could ever dream of. We made the trip back over to Port to visit fifteen homes that were being completed this week in Wawa Bar and in Hallover. Hurricanes Eta and Iota completely destroyed these two communities last year. Helping to rebuild has been one of the ways we have joined with Verbo Church and Pastor Earl in Hurricane relief. So, it was such a huge blessing to be able to be there when each of these homes were dedicated! What an amazing amazing Christmas gift…getting to move in to a new home this December!

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In every house we visited with the team from Verbo Church we got to join in celebrating with each of the families. We spent time with three sisters who grew up as orphans and had lost everything. We spent time with Jackson who was filled with so much joy in receiving this new home. His joy made each and every one of us on the trip lift up our heads and PRAISE THE LORD! There was a young widow with her four children, a home with four generations moving in as the grandmother was taking care of her ailing mother, a family of five moving from a temporary shelter of plastic and drift wood, and many others.

We dedicated each of the homes with a time of prayer and gave thanks to the Lord. The prayers were so sweet and the words of thanks were so deep. Person after person saying in Miskito, “thank you thank you thank you, never in my life did I think I would have a home like this!” And so we pass on that thanks to all of you! The Lord used a might army of His people to get these homes built, thank you. That last picture is incredibly sweet. As Todd prayed for one of the sisters receiving their home, their eldest sister was unable to get out of bed but she joined us in prayer silently from the other room. It wasn’t until after we finished the dedication that she was introduced to us…we definitely spent more time with her and praying for her afterwards, we gave thanks again and prayed for healing and new life…in Jesus name, amen!

This is Jackson! He was severely injured almost twenty years ago during Hurricane Felix when he was twelve years old. A house collapsed on him and left him partially paralyzed. He and his brother lived with their mom through Hurricanes Eta and Iota last year, but they lost everything they had. He sends this special greeting of thanks to everyone…if there is one thing you watch today on the internet, make it this video. Praise God! Great Joy!

These are the faces that make everything worth it!!! Thank you all for all of the prayers and support for this work. This is Christmas week and we celebrate the greatest gift of all, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. This is a time of year filled with such joy! We know the Lord coordinated something beautiful in Wawa Bar and in Hallover this Christmas….Amen, Amen and Amen!

As we left Port we left a donation to help with Pastor Earl’s planned Christmas Feast in Hallover. Last year the church went out together and prepared a huge traditional soup with everyone in the community. It will be another hope filled Christmas in Hallover as they feast together and worship God, things are getting better!

Merry Christmas Christ Journey Church Family!

The Farrington Family

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SIDENOTE: It was a really special time for Mason and I to be back out there together. When we first visited after Hurricane Eta we were together in the group. It was Mason’s first time being on an official mission trip and it impacted both of us deeply. To get to see the amazing things God does when He moves in big ways was so awesome! Even awesome-er, is that this time we took Denis from Casa Robles with us on HIS first missions trip!!! Denis graduated High School this year (blog post coming soon on that…we are so so proud of him!) and God put it on Krista and my heart to invite him to join us for a Senior trip of sorts. It was so fun, and crazy because Denis had never been on an airplane before…so his first experience flying was on these puddle jumpers we fly in to reach Port! It was smooth sailing and it was a very blessed time to be together!

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am