Miami YFC: Join us to make a difference?

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Macrina has been a program assistant at West Homestead’s City Life KIX site for 3 years!

Macrina, a program assistant at our West Homestead City Life KIX site, shares her story…

I live in the rural village of the Everglades, and every morning I have the opportunity to see young children get on the bus to go to school and parents drive off as they head to the fields to help make ends meet.

Unfortunately, the majority of the community that I live in is undocumented. Growing up, I have seen children drop out of school at a very young age. I have seen parents work endlessly to provide food for their families and yet somehow it is never enough. I have inclusively seen many of these kids not want to go back to school because they miss their hometown and they do not feel “at home.” Many of them are bullied and left out because they don’t speak the language.  

In 2016, the NCBI reported that “immigrant youth were more likely to experience bullying than their U.S.-born peers…those who had been bullied were more likely to have poorer health, fewer close friends, weaker family relationships, and were more likely to report feeling lonely. I work with children like Z- and FP-, who both have expressed to me how much they miss their hometown and how they struggle to “fit in” in a place they don’t call home.

At the KIX West Homestead Site, our vision is to offer hope, help, and wholeness to our kids. I decided to help make a difference in the lives of Z and FP by helping them learn English, enhancing their mathematics skills, and teaching them to embrace their native language and culture!

As a Latina, I want to make a difference in my Hispanic community by taking a stand against youth violence. As a follower of Christ, I want to help enhance the kingdom of God, by uniting all cultures and spreading the GOSPEL to every nation. WILL YOU JOIN ME TO HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE?

To support Macrina, you can visit her page. If you’d like to get involved with Over the Edge as a rope volunteer, rappeller, or donor, you can visit!

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am