Gonzalez Family • Athletes in Action • January 2018

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“As a college freshmen, when you look at the next four years that you have at the University of Miami, what do you hope for?” asked Brittany as she leaned forward intently listening to indoor-volleyball outside-hitter Cameron Dobbs. Cam, as her teammates affectionately call her, replied, “I want to make an impact on my team for Jesus.”

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For the rest of our time together, as we enjoyed scoops of Whip’N Dip Ice Cream, we discussed practical ways that she can be equipped to make the kind of impact God’s calling her to make on the UM campus. Two weeks later, with the help and encouragement of local Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) staff, Cam rallied her teammates together to start her first student-athlete led huddle group for the women’s volleyball team. They encourage one another with biblical truth, pray together, and discuss ways to build spiritual unity as a team.

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During the season, Cam has stepped up into leadership with FCA. And, she has been spending time with our family to be encouraged and experience joy while loving on our kids. Pray that freshmen student athletes like Cam would plug into a healthy community and courageously live out their faith in Christ in authentic and genuine ways.

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Prayer Requests

  • Pray that Christian athletes like Cameron would boldly share Christ through their sport and life.
  • We will be serving in Puerto Rico for two weeks this summer. Pray for financial provision and that God goes ahead of us to impact the hearts of those we will be sharing the gospel with.
  • Anthony & Steve DeBardelaben have launched a small group for male coaches at UM. Pray that this group ministers to and through the coaches.
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  • We are receiving a new dog into the family! Visit our gonzalez.epistle.today page for a picture.
  • We are house hunting! Pray that God provides a home near the UM campus for us to love and feed athletes in Christ.
  • The Spring semester kicks back off next week! Pray for focus and endurance.
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Thank you for partnering with us to develop a Christ follower on every team, in every sport, and in every nation!
With Love,
Anthony, Brittany, Micah, & Kyla
The Gonzalez Family

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am