Ecuador Students 2018: Day 2

Today was an extremely powerful day filled with events. Today was a day meant for relaxing. We visited “La Mitad Del Mundo”, where we learned about the historical and scientific marvels of the equator. While the high altitude has done a number on us, we had a lot of fun. After taking a trip to the equator, we ventured off to the market. The market was full of charming items, from woven tapestries to fluffy alpaca dolls. The day just kept becoming better and better. We came back to play some soccer, football, and run around the land. The people letting us stay here are amazing! Pancho and Pitty have been so welcoming of us. As the evening began to roll in, we ate dinner and went to have our devotional time. This by far, was the most impactful part of the day. Lots of walls came down, blessings and power were administered, and we felt God working in everyone. We had worship together, and went back to our cabins ready for the events of tomorrow.

Team Ecuador

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am