Ecuador Mission Trip – Day 5

Assuming that you’re reading when you wake up, good morning! It is currently 1 am here in Ecuador and we are still up writing each others encouragement letters, and needless to say, we are all very tired. Our day began with chocolate covered fruit kabobs and blue skies. As we all pilled on to the bus we had bittersweet feelings about the day ahead. We arrived to the school and did our daily worship session with the kids, and let the kids color to their hearts desires with sidewalk chalk. Our hearts were filled with love when some of us received heartwarming letters that expressed the children’s love and gratitude for our team. . Today was the final day of us teaching math to the kids that we had connected with for the past week. Today’s math class consisted of parties, Easter egg hunts, and lots of tears. Tomorrow we will be only seeing a handful of the kids, so today was the time to say our final goodbyes to most of them. Not only did the children express their love, but the teachers at Amor y Esperanza also shared their immense appreciation for us being there. These kids were nothing less than extraordinary and we cherished every moment we spent with them. After the emotional goodbye’s we traveled over to the construction site where we completed one room and once again…moved cinderblocks. We then came back to the compound, showered and left for a bomb freaking dinner at Sole y Luna, the restaurant that the Burgos family owns. We ate amazing pasta and the best tiramisu any of us ever tasted. After dinner, we came back home and got ready for devo, where we humbled ourselves and washed each other’s feet. We speak to you now, very tired, from a room filled with laughter and delusion. Now this is Ryan, Isa Co, and Jessica riding out, peace.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am