Dominican Republic Students 2019: Day 1

Today was our first “day” in the DR . When we arrived, customs was quick and didn’t take more than 30 minutes and we praise the Lord for that. The apartments we are staying in are 2 hours from the airport, and we stopped at a “Dulceria”; a local store with sweet baked goods. When we got to the apartment, we almost immediately started singing and worshiping the lord. We lost track of time and didn’t stop until dinner! Dinner was spaghetti and everyone enjoyed it.  After a while we had WOW! time. WOW was a debriefing of what happened during the day, as well as talking about how we wanted God to work in our lives and enjoying the view. Afterwards, there was a football sort of game; Ms. Kim almost won once! Later in the evening, people started eating the mangos that we had gotten at the stand next to the “Dulceria”.  James tried a mango for the first time! Mango juice was everywhere as several team members wanted to partake in the mango tasting.  We are expecting this week to impact our lives in great ways.

Written by Michelle S. Poole

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am