Discipleship Path
Your Journey Starts Here

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!
The best way to get plugged in around here is to attend StartUp, led by one of our Christ Journey leaders. Here you’ll be able to get connected and meet our staff. You’ll explore the purpose, values, and beliefs that shape our church. After completing this session you will have a clear understanding of who we are and what we do, and you’ll officially become a Christ Journey member! StartUp takes place in Room 200 every 3rd Sunday. You can pop in or register here.

As your journey with Christ unfolds, so does your growth in faith and maturity. If you desire to continue growing in your faith, we have essential tools crafted to assist you in evolving into a leader others will follow. EDGE introduces four transformative ways to find your spiritual edge. These pathways offer comprehensive guidance to fuel your spiritual journey, covering:
EVANGELISM: Sharing Christ’s story.
DISCIPLESHIP: Living life together as a family.
GENEROSITY: Giving our time, talents, and treasure.
EMPOWERMENT: Living God’s purpose.
As believers, we are always a work in progress, seeking our growing edge. Through EDGE, you’ll gain insights into whom God has called you to be, discovering a more purposeful way to live. As you continue to grow, you’ll find Jesus encourages us to become disciples. Making disciples involves building intentional relationships with others and knowing when and how to share our faith. With our EDGE Workshops, you will gain valuable insights into sharing the gospel in various ways.
411 Conversations
Jesus told us to go out and make disciples of all nations.
As Christ followers, we can share the Gospel wherever we are. But how do we do that? Go to the 411, our workshop and learn how to share the Gospel anytime, anywhere. It’s free and will equip you to have life-changing conversations with anyone.