Camp, Cancer and Church

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Carlos came to YFCamp last year because his friend invited him.  That was the main reason. He definitely did not come to camp because he cared about God – in fact, he was pretty closed off to God in general.

At YFCamp, Carlos met Daniel, one of our Campus Life Site Directors.  Daniel and Carlos got to spend time together having deep conversations about what really matters in life – our purpose, what we believe, and why we do or don’t have hope.  By the end of the week, Carlos wasn’t ready to say yes to Jesus, but he was ready to continue the conversation. Fortunately, Daniel realized Carlos lived only a few minutes away from his church.  “You should come when we get back, especially since you’re graduating and can’t come to Campus Life anymore,” he told him.

Carlos came back to Miami and started college, getting busy with class and work.  But he did come around church, and even got involved in a small group for young adults.

In March 2018, Carlos’s mom – his sole provider – was diagnosed with cancer and began chemotherapy treatment.  Carlos’s world was turned upside-down in a matter of days.

But who was there for him?  His new church and YFC family.  They were able to provide meals and support to Carlos, showing him and his mother the love of Christ.

Carlos continues to come to church and is more and more open to Jesus.  And it all started because one friend invited him to camp, and another friend of YFC donated money to make it possible for Carlos to attend.  A small action is making an immediate and eternal difference for Carlos.

The tagline for YFCamp is “where everything changes.”  We believe the summer is the time when everything can change for YFC kids – one step, one relationship at a time.

-April Lovins, Campus Life Site Director

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am