Brazil: poverty, politics, & hopelessness

Hello dear friends,

This is the year of presidential elections here in Brazil. The first official election last month resulted in too close of a call between the two top candidates which legally requires a second vote, which will happen in less than two weeks from now. The sad part about this is that the one candidate happened to be president a few years ago and wound up in prison for all the crimes he committed. While he was STILL IN prison he started “campaigning” for this election. Lo and behold, he miraculously had all his charges “dropped”, got out of prison, and now stands very close to being elected again. He was a former favelado, someone who came from the slums, led many anti-government groups and became the hero of the drug traffickers. Brazil’s poorest class, and also the largest, hail him as their savior even though crime, inflation, and poverty all increased when he was in power before. All of the criminals, in AND out of prison, are rooting for him to win.

The situation in the favelas today is very precarious and that is with the economy here being so-so. It’s not as bad as it was before, many things are better and more liberties have been awarded but the cost of living is still very high. The poorest of the poor cannot put food on the table. If this ex-president takes control their situation will go from bad to critical very quickly. The people are desperate, and, with that, the criminal minded become more brazen and dangerous.

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Favela Cachoerinha/SP: just one of the huts in this favela………rats, rain, cold, insecurity and hunger can all be found here. We thank the Lord that we can help supplement their needs with food baskets, fresh veggies from the garden and clothing when needed.

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Delivering fresh greens to the community


Snack time with the kids

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A precarious path, especially when it rains

The only hope for these people is in Jesus! That is what our team is all about. Taking the message of Jesus Christ into these desolate places to reach the lost with an everlasting hope. Please pray for our A.M.O. team for: stamina, encouragement, protection/safety, laborers, financial supporters, clarity, understanding, wisdom, compassion…………

Thank you for your prayers on our behalf and on behalf of our whole A.M.O. team. Pray also for the upcoming elections, that, Lord willing, the right candidate will be chosen!


Pete & Jodi

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By check: Please make your check payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse and mail to P.O. Box
219228 Houston, TX 77218-9228.

Either way please specify if donating to:
· Pete & Jodi’s personal support -OR-
· Pete & Jodi’s ministry fund-(if it is for something specific such as Embrace-a-Child, Volunteers’
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Thank You!!
Pete & Jodi Brennan

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am