Brazil- it’s all about the kids!

Hello everyone,

Greetings from Brazil! It seems as if 2022 just started but here we are smack in the middle of March already. Here in Brazil things have gotten somewhat back to “normal”. We still wear masks everywhere but have heard that those mandates might be lifting soon, yay! Brazil has always been aggresive on vaccinations in general and, even though they had a slow start, they’re doing an impressive job of reaching the majority of the population even with the boosters.

After almost two years of not having any visiting mission teams we finally received one last October. We have four scheduled for this year and possibly more to come. We miss them and they miss us, especially the kids! Even so, our team has been kept very busy between the various locations we have to minister in and we are very blessed that they can be ministering in several locations at the same time.

Maria Clara reading a verse to her class- (Varzea ministry center)

Our team members, Robson and Daniela, have been leading up the ministry in the favela in Varzea. They and their team minister several days a week in this community where we have our own plot of land. They do visitations, childrens classes, activities, and have an open-air church service on Friday evenings.

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Cooking fun with the kids!- (Favela Cachoerinha, Sao Paulo)

In the middle of Favela Cachoerinha we have a ministry center where all of our church activities take place. Lunches, children’s classes, cooking classes, events, and more take place there twice weekly. Anderson and Mayara lead in this community as well as in Favela Nova Uniao.

Hanging out with the girls- (Favela Nova Uniao, Sao Paulo)
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Milk, milk everywhere! The kids get so excited… (Favela Nova Uniao, Sao Paulo)
Singing with the kids- (Favela Nova Uniao, Sao Paulo)
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The kids LOVE receiving school supplies!

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. We truly are blessed!


Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am