Greetings from Brazil! We pray that each and every one reading this is well and standing firm in the Lord as we venture into 2023! We are currently working on a newsletter but, in the meantime, here are a few highlights from 2022:

Help for the Hungry—Prayer for the Hurting—Hope for Lost
Hello everyone! 2022 was a year of bouncing back from the rigid restrictions of the pandemic of the year before– Praise the Lord! Our team ministered to poor communities in five communities in four different cities with (depending on each areas need) hot meals, food baskets, milk, propane gas tanks for cooking, donated clothing distribution, bible classes for all ages, vegetable/fruit distribution from our gardens at the main campus, special events, and church services.
Children enjoying a hot meal

During the pandemic, Brazil was hit very, very hard with Covid deaths and many people in the slums got sick.  We were able to purchase personal hygiene and protection items as well as cleaning kits for the poor as they had no means to protect themselves from the virus. We were also able to buy blankets for the kids in the wintertime which were very well received! Thankfully, Covid has diminished greatly here and isn’t posing as much of a threat as before. Masks are required now only for entrance into medical establishments, public transportation and a few other places.


The political situation here is precarious as a new president was elected recently, promising many benefits to the poor and leniency on criminals. Very quickly after the elections the people are seeing quite a drastic difference to what was promised as prices have increased dramatically on everything and crime has skyrocketed. The poor, who had trouble keeping food on the table before, are even more desperate now and many are beginning to feel betrayed.

milk & food baskets
more milk

We are able to help many families supplement their food supply by providing milk and food kits to those in dire need as well as a hot meal. We also purchase seed with those funds for growing vegetables at our main campus which we then distribute freely in the slums. The blessing of milk, food and meals has positively impacted our ministry and earns us the rights, in the eyes of the ever-present drug lords, to freely go in and out of their community and minster. We are very grateful for our faithful supporters who help us to help others!


Thank you for your prayers! Pete & Jodi Brennan [email protected]

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am