Nicaragua: New Classroom Space…

As you may know we are working towards a future of constructing an entirely new education building (or two) for Ileana’s School at Club Esperanza. We are doing our due diligence to get things done well on the front end working with engineers, architects designers and builders. But, in the mean time we needed more temporary classroom space! One of our neighbors offered to sell their land, so we pulled the trigger and quickly converted it into a new temporary classroom space! Praise the Lord! Here is a before and after video…

God is so good and we hoped this little video encouraged you this week. My little helper Abdiel is a champion, his future and the futures of the over 300 kids we serve and protect every day is what motivates us. We know that Jesus loves the little children and wants them protected as He speaks about in Matthew 14…let’s keep fighting together for God’s great purposes in these little ones’ lives!

Thank you for your prayers and donations to help keep things moving forward. We look forward to sharing about what happened last week, Master Plans are coming together for the future and it is exciting!

The Farringtons

Christ-Journey-Church-IMG 0980
Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am