Nicaragua: 10 years of Hope…

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And so everyone must have ice cream!!! Sheyla our long time director posted these fun photos the other day on our Club Esperanza facebook page. This page is a great way to keep up with all of the daily happenings at the club, we post lots of fun pictures and little tidbits of information. It is in Spanish, but if you don’t speak Spanish don’t worry, pictures are like math and fun…they’re all universal languages!

That we have been at our new location for ten years sort of caught us by surprise because in reality we have been working in this community for over twenty years now. But when Sheyla realized this, we definitely needed to have an ice cream party. Most of our kids we are serving now don’t remember our old school and how we ended up where we are. In fact if you haven’t read about our story, here are some older blog posts about having to tear down our old school, finding a new location, and being able to re-open to continue serving these families God had called us to serve.

Everyday hundreds of children and their families pass through Club Esperanza. A preschooler laughing with their dad, a mom and her tweener that is in her last year before high school, one of the elders in our neighborhood coming for a meal, a young nursing mother leaving their weekly meeting, a boy with a lacrosse stick practicing for their next chance to win a trophy, our amazing kitchen staff preparing hundreds of meals, our amazing teachers and staff, Pastor Roberto preparing for Sunday…so much going on and it is all so very good!

Our goal is simple. We want to allow God to use us to reach every person who comes through Club Esperanza with His love, truth and kindness. That they may come to know Jesus in a personal way as their savior. We will be here as long as God allows it! But for ten years…these kiddos loved their ice cream!

In another post on the facebook page, you’ll find all of these fun photos of our older students who had recently brought Biblical stories to life. They created some very impressive art work and all of the students passed by to learn the story. We absolutely love that we are able to provide resources and the setting to allow our students to have the best education possible. Thank you to all who help and support Club Esperanza…we couldn’t do it without you!

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Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am