Miami Youth for Christ – City Life KIX Celebrates their 30th Anniversary!

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Miami YFC is proud of our City Life KIX program. 30 years of serving our youth!

City Life KIX, a neighborhood outreach program that offers all-inclusive, free after-school services to at-risk children and youth in Miami, is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Established in West Homestead in 1993, City Life KIX has been providing help, hope, and wholeness to young people aged eleven to nineteen years old for over two decades.

Despite the challenges faced by the communities it serves, City Life KIX has been a beacon of hope, providing a safe and supportive environment where young people can learn and grow. Today, the program serves over 300 children and youth in three locations across Miami-Dade County: West Homestead/Florida City, Goulds in Princeton (the largest Habitat for Humanity community in the country), and North Miami in partnership with Vive City Chapel.

In these communities, characterized by high crime and poverty rates, 97% of students are eligible for free/reduced lunch programs. However, at City Life KIX, at-risk children and youth receive fun, engaging, and best-practice curricula, activities, and individualized instruction, including literacy programs, homework assistance, health and nutrition classes, physical fitness, and life skills development.

As City Life KIX celebrates its 30th anniversary, it is clear that the program has made a significant impact on the lives of young people in Miami. Through its dedication to sharing the love of Christ and empowering youth to change their communities, City Life KIX has helped to transform the lives of countless children and families over the past three decades.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am