Miami YFC: “You don’t know how much he needs this!”

Campus Life is back in schools in 2021.

Slightly stressed but hopeful parents milled about the school cafeteria with their young teenagers at Western High’s Open House, gently pushing them towards the tables that advertised school club opportunities.  Lynn and Kristen stood in front of their ridiculously huge “Connect 4” table game, greeting parents and attempting to explain CAMPUS LIFE clubs in 10 seconds or less. 

Two years ago, the phrase “social club” sounded frivolous; so we would quickly follow up with a list of the important topics we cover.  But as soon as Emilio’s mom heard the phrase “social club”, her eyes lit up, she gasped, and pushed him toward the sign-up sheet.  She exclaimed, “You don’t know how much he needs this!”

She wasn’t the only one.  Multiple students and parents expressed how much they needed to make new friends after a year and a half away from school.  We’re thrilled to be back on campus showing young people how to create healthy relationships and sharing our most amazing relationship  – – with Jesus Christ!

Thank YOU for making these moments of hope a reality – without churches like Christ Journey behind us, we can’t go where lost kids are.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am