Miami YFC: Who, Me? A Leader?

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Mel (seated) is bringing friends to Jesus – just by being herself!

I met Mel a few years ago – she was in 6th grade and one of the first kids to come to our afterschool program at Miami Springs Middle.  She was unapologetically interested in anime, Harry Potter, and dying her hair every color of the rainbow.  She wrote lyrics and didn’t mind putting herself out there to sing them in recording class.  She connected with one of our staff, Vivian, and trusted Christ at YFC Camp.  After that, she started attending Crossbridge Church, where former YFC-staffer Kevin Sanchez is the youth pastor. 

A few weeks ago, I got to see Mel again when I came to Catalyst’s summer program. Like most of our post-COVID gatherings, it was small but growing.  Three girls had shown up – Mel, Angie, and Veronica.  I learned Veronica came specifically because Mel invited her, and Angie hadn’t come the week before was “because Mel didn’t remind me.”  Later, I found out that in addition to bringing her friends to Catalyst, Mel had also started serving on Sundays at Crossbridge by running ProPresenter.  She’s also super excited to go to Crossbridge’s camp next week and has invited friends to attend.

When we met Mel three years ago, I don’t think any of us – including her! – knew how much leadership potential was inside this fun, funky kid.  I still think if you asked Mel, “Are you a leader?” she would say no.  But she is doing the most important thing a leader in the Kingdom of God can do – she is inviting others to “come and see.” (John 1:39)

As Catalyst prepares to move into a new school year, get back on campus, and renovate our new home, we want to thank you for making it possible to invest in the “Mel’s” in our ministry.  We are praying for many more kids to be so changed and moved by Jesus that they, too, will turn into influencers and leaders for Christ.

You can learn more about Miami YFC by visiting our website.

Johanna Ralsten-Cox

Ministries Director, Miami YFC

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am