Each year, we get the honor of helping youth share their YFC stories at our Be the Story event. If you weren’t able to attend this year, here is just one amazing story from our kids.

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My name is Danya. I’m 14 years old and go to Linda Lentin K8 Center.

I stay with my dad and my mom, my auntie, my cousins, my uncle, and my niece. My dad can’t really see, he can only see partially. He’s a Christian and taught me to go to church and about God.

I started coming to KIX North Miami when I was in 6th grade. Anita, my friend, invited me. I loved the people and activities. One of my favorites…no, let’s not do favorites. But a KIX staff who really encouraged me was Ms. Gaëlle.

We have these small groups, and one day we were asking her all these questions about God. And after that, I went home and was reading my Bible and doing my research. And a week later, we were in group again, and Ms. Gaëlle asked me if I wanted to trust Jesus Christ as my Savior. And I just automatically said, “Yes.”

I was really having struggles when I first accepted Christ. I didn’t know what to do or how to talk to him. Later on, I started to read my Bible, and one time, a thing funny happened. I was reading a verse, and then I went to church and they were preaching on that same verse!

Last year, during COVID, I became very distant from God. I wasn’t reading my Bible, I forgot what I learned, and I wasn’t coming to church or the program because I was living in Georgia. I felt completely lost and was struggling in school. It was a lot emotionally and mentally. I would cry for no reason.

This year, I’m back at Vive City Church, which is where KIX is. It’s super fun, super lit. And I’m feeling great, honestly. I’m closer with God, I read my Bible, and I’m praying every night. I hope in the future that more kids will come to KIX and find Jesus in their lives because with Jesus, you can do a lot.

*name changed

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am